"Who are you?"

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Hiccup POV:

I was so embarrassed. It was my responsibility to save Berk, and I'd just let the pack slip by out of my own stupidity.
      Toothless had recovered, but my legs were so numb I couldn't control him. Astrid rode him instead, and I rode StormFly.
The pack had all but disappeared on the horizon. Questions raced through my head about the girl who shot me and Toothless. I studied the dart in my hand.

    I was completely clueless about how in Thor's name could she have ridden the Alpha SpeedStinger, much less get venom from it

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I was completely clueless about how in Thor's name could she have ridden the Alpha SpeedStinger, much less get venom from it. And although I didn't get a good look at her, she looked strangely familiar, almost as if I'd met her before...but that was impossible, right?
As we headed back to Berk, I remembered that Dagur had come to stay with Heather. It had completely slipped my mind. It didn't exactly give me pleasure to see them again after countless betrayals.
Then an idea popped into my head. It was so obvious that I wondered how I couldn't have thought of it before.

Astrid POV:

Hiccup had called out for us to stop because he had an idea. I was getting tired and wanted to keep heading home quickly, but I agreed all the same. His ideas could be pretty good anyway. And pretty crazy.
"We'll have Dagur distract the pack! He's coming to visit, and anyway, he'd be happy to help us with the dragons. Heather can corner the Alpha with our help, and the we'll catch the girl! Then with the girl, the Alpha and hopefully the rest of the pack will follow right into a trap. Then we'll have the pack and the girl who controls them!"
It was a pretty elaborate plan, and I didn't know if we could pull it off, but none of us had any better ideas.
"Ok," I said. "It's a plan."
"Alright! We get to trap some dragons!" The twins rejoiced, high-fiving each other. Fishlegs started chattering about how exciting it would be to study them up close and see the girl who tamed them. Snotlout pumped a fist in the air.
          "Snotlout, Snotlout, oy oy oy!"
I rolled my eyes at them. They could be over enthusiastic at times. But even I was curious. The girl must be pretty fierce to have tamed an Alpha SpeedStinger. Maybe they could partner up...if she ended up being not-dangerous.

The New Rider 🐉 💎حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن