The New Rider

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Hiccup POV:

   It was cold. Colder then any other winter I could remember. Trader Johann had said that the passage had frozen over, and that a pack of speed-stingers had been spotted. I was afraid that if they got past the passage, Berk would be in serious danger.
I patted toothless. "Almost there bud."
Toothless had seemed uneasy this whole ride, and I knew it wasn't just from the cold. The pack out there was bigger then the one before. If this one got to Berk, I didn't know how we would recover.
One sting from an adult speed-stinger could paralyze an entire dragon, and easily do the same for people. A young one had to sting multiple times in order to paralyze a human entirely, but was still dangerous. The pack followed the lead of the Alpha Speed-Stinger, so in the past they had tried to capture this Alpha in order to draw away the pack. This time, they were going to make sure the Alpha went across the ice, and the make a fire wall to separate it from its pack. Then they could lead the pack away from Berk once more.
Finally, the pack was in sight.
"Alright gang, you know what to do."

Nopei's POV:

I was riding hard, leading them across. We had to get away from those guys. I didn't trust anyone to come near my pack, it was too dangerous for them, and if they captured me or any of my dragons, especially Pisti, it would set off my entire plan. I had to get to Berk to find my family. I needed to know if they were alive. And I wasn't going to just let that guy on his night fury go and ruin it all. We were racing across the ice, when out of nowhere four dragons swooped behind me and made a fire wall, separating us from our pack. I should've known, I thought as Pisti stopped abruptly. Standing in front of us was a boy, older then me, and his night fury. The boy had messy brown hair and a metal foot. The night fury was black as the sky, and large enough to be considered a threat.
I leaned further down on Pisti's back, so that I was hidden from sight. Then suddenly there was a clink from above. I knew that it was a cage. I patted Pisti reassuringly, and gurgled in our secret language what I was going to do. He trusted me. Just as the cage came down, Pisti reared and launched me away, just as I'd told him to. The boy suspected nothing. Him and his night fury walked closer to the cage.
" It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you." He said gently, patting his hands in a downward motion.
As if that's supposed to calm him down, I muttered under my breath. I drew an arrow from my quiver, nocked it, and drew my bow back, aiming for the boy's good leg. That would knock him down with out seriously injuring him. I took a deep breath.
                       "Let him go."

Hiccup's POV:

                          "Let him go."
I heard a voice say boldly, and it sent shivers down my spine. I looked past the cage. Seeing a silhouette against the fire wall I decided to check it out.
"Toothless, keep watch," I commanded, walking closer to the person.
"One more step and I shot," the person said. It sounded like a girl. I took another step.
"It's ok, everything's gonna be alright—"
Her bow twanged as an arrow shot my leg. It didn't hurt much, but it went numb, and after she shot my other leg, I crumpled  to the ground. She strode over, reloading her bow, and shot toothless in the tail and left wing in quick succession. Toothless groaned and wandered towards me.
"What did you just do? Did you drug him?" My words were slightly slurred. She walked to the cage, unlocking the Alpha SpeedStinger. She got on his back and murmured something. Then turning back to hiccup she said, "I'm sorry, I really am. Your legs will de-paralyze in no time, and your dragon will be completely fine, only his steering will be off for half an hour or so. You'll be fine." She turned around towards the fire wall. Then, in the most perfect imitation of Hiccup's voice, she called out to the others making the fire wall,   "Alright gang! Me and Toothless have got the cage. You can stop the fire wall now." The gang, thinking Hiccup had actually given the order flew off, and circled back around towards the cage. As soon as the fire wall stopped, the girl leapt  over to the other side with her dragon. She called something into the wind and every SpeedStinger followed her lead across the ice to the side where hiccup was. They sped off into the night, heading towards the nearest island to Berk.

Astrid's POV:

Hiccup had called for us to stop the fire wall. The plan was for us to take the cage with the alpha and fly in the opposite direction, leading the pack away from Berk. But Hiccup was on the ground, and the cage was empty. Immediately, I swooped down with StormFly, and landed near Hiccup and Toothless. I knelt beside Hiccup. He groaned in pain. Two arrows were shot into his legs, and there were two more on Toothless.
"Hiccup, What happened?! Are you ok?" I asked.
"A girl...alpha...shot...stings...toothless...pack...
Berk......" He murmured, before passing out.
We'd failed. The pack was headed towards Berk, and they were responsible.

The New Rider 🐉 💎Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon