A New Family (?)

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Madam Yu was still standing with her arms crossed when everyone finally managed to get inside. It was only after some more awkward silence, that Madam Yu finally spoke. "So, what do you plan on doing after telling this information to me?" She raised an eyebrow specifically at Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng. Wei Wuxian was about to speak up but was suddenly interrupted by Jiang Cheng. "Madam Yu, Wei Wuxian and I ask to speak with you in private along with Sect Leader Jiang." 

Wei Wuxian was still in pause mode until Jiang Cheng elbowed him sharply. This earned him a concerning look from Lan Xichen, and a death glare from Lan Wangji. Madam Yu raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Right now? Unplanned as well?" Jiang Fengmian just sighed, which didn't help anyone at the moment. "Yes." Jiang Cheng replied almost immediately. Although Jiang Cheng was putting up a good act, Wei Wuxian could tell how nervous he was. Especially since Jiang Cheng had not loosened up a bit, even with Lan Xichen holding his hand.

Madam Yu stared at the two for a long time, to the point where the Juniors had started fidgeting uncomfortably, and hoping that they weren't going to die in the process of this family reunion. "Fine." Was Madam Yu's answer before she ushered everyone else to a different room, along with two disciples to make sure that the others were cared for. After everyone had left, Madam Yu turned towards Jiang Cheng with a frown. "So, what is so important that you and the brat needed to speak to me about?"

Wei Wuxian glanced uncertainly at Jiang Cheng. He was willing to play along with Jiang Cheng's sudden request, though he was worried that since he wasn't informed earlier, he might screw up whatever Jiang Cheng had wanted to talk about. 

"Frankly speaking," this phrase caught Wei Wuxian's attention, "I believe you have some unfinished business to talk out with Sect Leader Jiang." Madam Yu snorted, "there are many things that haven't been discussed Jiang Cheng. I believe you should be smart enough to know that. For instance, he hasn't even taught the disciples the new sword stance that I had wanted them to learn days ago-" "no, not that." Wei Wuxian nervously tapped Jiang Cheng on the shoulder, " hey uh, Jiang Cheng? Maybe you shouldn't be so direct? Maybe you could- uh, word this a little differently? And maybe not in the middle of when she is speaking?-" He laughed nervously. 

Jiang Cheng ignored him.

"I mean about your relationship with Sect Leader Jiang." Wei Wuxian stared at Jiang Cheng with surprise at his daring audacity to be so truthful, a little too truthful- to Madam Yu. Very slowly, Madam Yu's gaze darkened, while Jiang Fengmian stared open-mouthed at Jiang Cheng. "Ah, Jiang Cheng- Madam Yu and I aren't-" "Jiang Cheng, do you know the meaning of your words?!" Madam Yu interrupted furiously. "If I am asking the question, I believe it means I understand the risks of getting the answer, so yes."

With each passing minute, Madam Yu's expression grew more and more sinister, which was starting to worry Wei Wuxian. "Madam Yu, answer me honestly. Do you really still have a grudge about how Sect Leader Jiang used to love Cangse Sanren?" At this, both Madam Yu and Jiang Fengmian froze, while Wei Wuxian was still trying to process what Jiang Cheng had just gotten the conversation into. Though Madam Yu had not once spared a glance to Jiang Fengmian, Wei Wuxian noticed how Jiang Fengmian's gaze had darkened significantly.

"Hah! That old thing?" Madam Yu snorted, "that stupid woman-" "who is now dead by the way, in case you haven't kept up with life" Jiang Cheng interrupted loudly, "Madam Yu, Sect Leader Jiang has already gotten over her, so why is it that you find it a necessity for you to torture Wei Wuxian like this?" Madam Yu opened her mouth, yet she spoke no words, "Wei Wuxian may be blood related to Cangse Sanren, but he's a whole separate person." At this, Madam Yu seemed to have finally regained her ability to speak, "Jiang Cheng, I raised you better than this. You have no right to question me. And if he really did move on, then why would he even take in this..." For once, Madam Yu hesitated on what to call Wei Wuxian, thought clearly, she still didn't think of 'Wei Wuxian' itself as a possible option. 

MDZS // The Concept Of Time Travel ‧ ₊ ˚✧Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin