Madam Yu and Jiang Fengmain

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Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, Jiang Yanli, Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen, Jin Zixuan, Nie Huaisang and the three juniors stood outside of Lotus Pier, looking quite nervous and full of tension. It took a while, but it was not long before Madam Yu stepped out, with Jiang Fengmian following her with an anxious face. 

Slowly, Madam Yu turned to each individual pair, her eyes staying on Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen the longest. When her eyes fell on the juniors, a flash of surprise crossed her face, though it left so quickly that Wei Wuxian thought he might've gone crazy from getting no sleep. "Well?" Madam Yu raised an eyebrow impatiently. Jiang Fengmian just sighed.

After an awkward pause, Wei Wuxian slowly stepped up. "Madam Yu," he greeted her with a bow, "we have uh- some information that you might find... useful, and uhm- very-" He seemed to be struggling to speak a little under her strict gaze, in which Lan Wangji responded by gently taking Wei Wuxian's hand, clasping it in his, resulting in Madam Yu's eyebrow raising higher, and Wei Wuxian's face turning slightly flushed. "We uh- we just have some important people we need to introduce you to-" He quickly finished.

Madam Yu stared at him silently for a moment, her judging gaze not leaving for a single second, before she turned to Jiang Cheng. "Well? I don't have all day. Tell me who you brought and why you brought them here." She said briskly.

Jiang Cheng had only a split second to briefly go over what he wanted to say in his mind. He wanted to be careful not to get on his mother's bad side. "This is... Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi, Jin Ling, and Ouyang Zizhen." He said slowly, pointing to the four juniors who stood awkwardly to the side, none of them made direct eye contact with Madam Yu except for Jin Ling, who looked at Madam Yu with slight awe and curiosity. "They are from the future, and are here because uh.. well- they are here because a small incident has occurred which resulted in them being sent back in time to our era." He paused again, giving some time to let that sink in. "Each of them except for Ouyang Zizhen is uh- connected to you. In other words, they are your grandchildren."

Silence. Absolute silence filled the air, as Madam Yu's eyes widened slightly, her gaze falling once again on the four very nervous looking juniors.

She seemed to be staring at Jin Ling the longest, who kept looking at her in admiration and respect. To all of their surprise, she suddenly laughed, causing Wei Wuxian to jump slightly, clutching onto Lan Wangji's arm as he scoots closer to him. Jiang Cheng looked nervously between Jin Ling and Madam Yu, while Lan Xichen had an expression that could be described as a-person-seeing-life-and-death-for-a-second.

"So you're telling me Jiang Cheng finally found a wife who was willing to stay with him?" She said in a tone that had the slightest amount of amusement.

Jiang Cheng's face turned red, and he muttered something about "No, it's actually the complete opposite", to which Lan Xichen couldn't help but chuckle at. "Respectfully Madam Yu, your son is married to me, and I happen to not be a female." He said in the most polite tone he could muster, holding back a laugh as he felt Jiang Cheng elbow his side in embarrassment. Wei Wuxian looked like he was about to burst out laughing, and Lan Wangji was doing nothing. His hand was still wrapped around Wei Wuxian's waist, his holding getting tighter by the second. Jiang Yanli also looked like she was trying not to laugh, while Jin Zixuan somehow found the ability to keep an extremely straight face. The juniors however, burst out laughing, with Lan Jingyi falling on his knees, finding some amount of respect to "gently" banging the floor instead of straight up cackling and rolling on the floor (which was what he usually does).

Madam Yu opened her mouth, then closed her mouth, her eyes piercing Jiang Cheng in an expression that was a mix of surprise, very slight disappointment, and... some amusement?

"Well," she said slowly, "I never knew my son was a cutsleeve." Jiang Cheng's face turned even redder, while Lan Xichen patted his back gently, trying not to make Jiang Cheng feel worse by laughing. "So I'm guessing..." she turned her attention to Wei Wuxian, "that you are also a cutsleeve?" She narrowed her eyes at him, scanning Lan Wangji quickly before looking back at Wei Wuxian. Instantly, his expression turned dead serious, as he gave her a solemn nod. Lan Wangji said nothing.

She stared at the two couples for a while, before shrugging and turning to Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan. "Mother." Jiang Yanli said with a small smile, bowing her head slightly as Jin Zixuan gave a quick bow to Madam Yu, his face breaking into that of slight nervousness.

To their surprise, Madam Yu's eyes softened slightly, as she gazed at Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan. "So... you did end up with him." Her tone was surprisingly solemn, holding no emotion as she stared at them before turning to the juniors. "And I'm assuming, you're their son." She said, looking directly at Jin Ling. 

Jin Ling couldn't help but flinch slightly, clutching onto Lan Sizhui a little more firmly, as he gave Madam Yu a small nod. The tip of Lan Sizhui's ear turns slightly pink from the close contact with Jin Ling, though he couldn't help the small affectionate smile that crossed his face.

Madam Yu nodded slowly at this new information, turning back to the teens "I see." She said slowly. "So if Jin Ling is Yanli and Zixuan's son, then who's son are they?" She indicated to Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi, who immediately stood straighter. Wei Wuxian raised a hand. "Sizhui is my child." He said solemnly. "That other thing is my child." Jiang Cheng said, pointing to Lan Jingyi. 

"HEY WHAT DO YOU MEAN THI-" Before Lan Jingyi could finish his sentence, Ouyang Zizhen quickly raised his hand and covered Lan Jingyi's mouth, stopping him from anything further. "I apologize for his behavior. It will not happen again." Ouyang Zizhen said politely, pushing Lan Jingyi back a little. 


"It will not happen again." 

Ouyang Zizhen said again, a little more forcefully as he stepped on Lan Jingyi's foot. Lan Jingyi muttered something about "stupid boyfriends being too overprotective and shit" before going silent again. 

Madam Yu watched all this silently, though her eyes sparkled with amusement, which was considered quite rare. 

"Alright. Enough squabbling. Let's take this conversation inside." She pointed to the door, and left without saying another word.

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