Wei Wuxian & Hanguang-Jun ✧

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"A-Yuan you're alright!" Lan Sizhui rushed to the couple and hugged them tightly. The more stoic-faced Lan lifted a hand and gently patted Lan Sizhui's head. "A-Yuan, be more careful next time." Lan Sizhui beamed. "Understood Hanguang-Jun!" 

Everyone in the room gaped at the new couple. That was Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji? They looked so... different!

Wei Wuxian looked more mature, but still had a mischievous sparkle to him. His hair was no longer in a ponytail, and was flowing loosely around his waist. 

Lan Wangji looked tall and ethereal. His golden eyes held more emotion, and light blush was visible on his cheek.

"A-Xian you've grown so much! You look... different now!" Future Wei Wuxian froze and turned to Jiang Yanli. "Shi-Jie..." He sobbed and ran to her crying. Jiang Yanli was caught in a surprise hug, but gladly comforted future Wei Wuxian with a loving smile. Meanwhile, future Lan Wangji had continued conversing with Lan Sizhui about the scroll that got them teleported. He patted Lan Sizhui's head, and gave a subtle smile.

Lan Xichen smiled happily. His little brother was making more interactions than he'd ever imagined!

Young Master Wei has really impacted Wangji, and I'm happy it's for the better...

"Wangji you finally seem to have opened up to people more in the future!" Past Lan Wangji gave a slight nod. "Mn." The future Wei Wuxian hearing this, turned to their direction. Seeing Lan Wangji from the past, he grinned. "Aiya look at yourself Lan Zhan! You were so stubborn and constantly in denial! Haha look your ears are turning red!" Indeed, past Lan Wangji's ears had slightly turned red from future Wei Wuxian's comment. He turned his head away, but it didn't go unnoticed by future Wei Wuxian.

Suddenly, future Wei Wuxian froze. He slowly turned to future Lan Wangji, who caught his gaze.

"Wei Ying." He said slowly.

 A small smile spread across future Wei Wuxian's face. He turned to Lan Xichen. "Is.. Lan Zhan... 16 right now?" Future Lan Wangji visibly tensed. 

"Wei Ying."

 Lan Xichen tilted his head thoughtfully. "Yes, Wangji is 16 right now. Why do you ask Young Master- er Lan?" Wei Wuxian smirked. "Was I... asked by Grandmaster Lan to copy rules with Lan Zhan watching over me?" At this, future Lan Wangji's ears visibly turned entirely red. Lan Xichen who could not understand, nodded. "Yes, it's already begun." 

Why do I feel like he's about to bring up something stupid?... Lan Jingyi wondered.

Wei Wuxian smiled and turned to past Lan Wangji's direction, who seemed to have caught on to something. Everyone stared at them in confusion. Future Wei Wuxian slowly made his way to past Lan Wangji, causing past Lan Wangji to back away. For the first time, panic shown on his face. "Don't come near me." Future Lan Wangji sighed and face palmed. 

Lan Xichen blinked in confusion. "Wangji... what-" Future Wei Wuxian laughed. "Lan Zhan Lan Zhan! Look at you! I can see why everyone was so surprised by your behavior now! Look at you blushing like this from just me approaching!" In a blink of an eye, he spun around past Lan Wangji, inspecting him. "Who would've guessed-"

"Wei Ying."

Lan Wangji's voice quivered a little. "-that you've had such dreams about me from such a young age?" Past Lan Wangji could not help but turn red at this. So he already had the dream? Goodness I thought it was after a year or two! Lan Zhan you sneaky fuddy duddy! Everyone grew more confused. "Wei Wuxian what are you talking about?" Jiang Cheng demanded. Future Wei Wuxian chuckled darkly. He leaned into past Lan Wangji's ear and whispered, "Why don't you tell them hm? Lan Zhan?" 

Everyone was staring now. Who knew Lan Wangji had this many expressions? Future Wei Wuxian suddenly laughed out loud pinched past Lan Wangji's cheeks. "Don't worry Lan Zhan I just wanted to mess with you bit! But I am a little disappointed that you didn't actually take action-"

"Wei Ying."

Future Wei Wuxian grinned and turned around to face future Lan Wangji, but was intercepted midway, by future Lan Wangji grabbing his waist and pulling him away. Wei Wuxian pouted. "Lan Zhan don't tell me you're jealous of your past self! Aiya I can walk you know, legs exist for a reason!" "Extra three rounds tonight." Past Wei Wuxian blinked in confusion, while future Wei Wuxian's face paled. Hearing this, all the juniors immediately turned into tomatoes and turned away, unable to unhear certain...things.

Lan Xichen who could read his brother like a book, immediately found out what was happening, and sighed. 

I should've known this side to you would exist... oh well...

Jiang Yanli blinked in confusion. "What... three rounds?..." Jin Zixuan who had also caught on, immediately took her hand and stammered. "A-Li let's not... go into this okay?" Jiang Cheng for once felt some respect towards the Jin. 

Hmph. At least he's comforting her now... 

Lan Sizhui cleared his throat and looked at future Wei Wuxian. "A-Niang do you perhaps know how to go back to our current timeline?" Future Wei Wuxian frowned, his complexion immediately became serious. "Well... you see...." He grinned sheepishly. "I may or may not have been the one to make the scroll... and while Hanguang-Jun and I can teleport back... I might need more time before I can confidently teleport the rest of you back to our current timeline." Lan Jingyi scoffed. "So we're going to be trapped here?! I say-" He was shushed by Ouyang Zizhen who glanced apologetically at Wei Wuxian. "We'll wait." Future Wei Wuxian smiled apologetically. "I thought I had sorted it already guys. I'm sorry-" 

Future Lan Wangji hugged future Wei Wuxian tighter. "Not Wei Ying's fault." "Aww, Lan Zhan!..." Lan Xichen coughed, causing everyone to turn to him. "It's getting late. Xiongzhan, Madam Lan, how long are you going to be here?" Future Wei Wuxian looked at the floor thoughtfully for a moment. "Me and Lan Zhan should be telported at exactly twelve pm, so I guess we're gonna have to stay the night!" Lan Xichen smiled. "Alright, I'll have you two sleep in the guest room and-"

Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi, Jin Ling and Ouyang Zizhen cleared their throats meaningfully. Everyone turned to them. "It's best if they are left alone for the night in a room away from ours." Lan Xichen blinked. "But for safety-" "Safety my a-." Ouyang Zizhen coughed and smiled. Lan Jingyi rolled his eyes. "I will kick or scream if you dare assign them a room next to ours. Try. Me." He smiled pleasantly at Lan Xichen. 

Before any other person could say anything, future Lan Wangji took off his forehead ribbon, and tied future Wei Wuxian's hands, dragging him away. 

"Ehh Lan Zhan?! They haven't given us our room yet-" 

Future Lan Wangji continued walking.

"Lan Zhan! We need to-"

"Everyday means Everyday." 

Future Wei Wuxian sighed. "But we-"

"Everyday means Everyday." 

And with that, future Lan Wangji and future Wei Wuxian were out the door.






"Remember to use the silencing talisman!"


To Be Continued →

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