Parent Meetings (literally)

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> A little angst 

It took some time to rearrange who stayed and who left. In the end, all disciples left except for Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, Jiang Yanli, Jin Zixuan, Nie Huaisang, and Lan Qiren (He had qi deviated and is currently asleep).

Lan Xichen turned back to the newcomers who were busy chatting among themselves.

"Ah what will I tell A-Die? By now they would've returned to the Cloud Recess already!"

"Sizhui relax. We didn't mean to time travel. I'm sure when they realize the scroll we accidentally touched was open, they will find a way to bring us back!"

"HAh! Wait for them to bring us back? I say we find a library and find out ourselves! We can't wait forever you know!"

"Oh. I apologize, Young Mistress for being patient." 


Lan Xichen coughed in amusement, getting the attention of the newcomers. "Shall we start with the introductions now perhaps?" The disciples looked at each other before one of them shrugged. "Alright. I will go first." The Jin disciple exclaimed. Jiang Yanli who was sitting in between Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng noticed how the Jin disciple didn't let go of the second Lan's hand, and she laughed softly. 

How adorable! They seem to be made for each other!

"My name is Jin Ling, courtesy name Jin Rulan, and the current Sect Leader of the Lanling Jin Clan." Jin Zixuan raised an eyebrow. The Jin 'disciple' took a breath before continuing. Jiang Cheng noted how his hands shook a little. "My father is the former Sect Heir named Jin Zixuan. My mother is Jiang Yanli, eldest child of the previous Yunmeng Sect Leader. I am currently 16 years old. This is all for my introduction." He bowed.

The room was silent. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng looked like they were about to kill someone. Jin Zixuan looked flustered but also confused and shocked. Jiang Yanli looked surprised. Lan Xichen smiled and silently congratulated the couple. He also noted how the Jin Sect Leader immediately switched to an attitude of a calm, determined Sect Leader.

He has been taught well. I wonder by who?

Jin Zixuan was the first to speak up. "You... are my child?" Jin Ling blinked. "That's not possible. My father died when I was little. I'm afraid you have the wrong person." A tear fell from his right eye, and his hands started shaking. The second Lan immediately pulled Jin Ling into an embrace. He looked imploringly at Jin Zixuan. "I apologize. This is a hard topic for A-Ling. He doesn't like to talk about his parents." Jin Zixuan just stared at him blankly. "But... I am Jin Zixuan. There is no other Jin Zixuan." "And... I am also Jiang Yanli." Yanli spoke softly. "It seems we have the chance to meet again... Jin..Ling" She said with another soft smile. She gently extended her arms and looked at Jin Ling with some tears in her eyes.

Jin Ling couldn't help himself and ran to her crying. "A-Niang! A-Niang why did you and A-Die leave me?" Jiang Yanli sucked in a breath when she realized she had also died. "A-Ling I do not know of the future, but I'm here now okay?" She smiled. Jin Ling sobbed harder. Wei Wuxian, who had been silent the whole time scoffed. "What are you doing Peacock?! Aren't you supposed to be comforting your son right now?" Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes at Jin zixuan. Jin Zixuan gulped. "I.. don't know... how to." He admitted softly. Jin Ling sniffed. 

Jiang Yanli laughed a little. "A-Xuan, would you like me to teach you some things about caring for a child perhaps?" Jin Zixuan's ears turned bright red, and he turned away. "That would... be appreciated..." He paused before continuing, "...A-Li."

Jiang Cheng immediately sprung up. "YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED...yet... TO ADRESS MY SISTER IN SUCH A WAY-" Wei Wuxian was staring intently at Jin Zixuan. "Cheng Cheng calm down." Jiang Cheng whirled to face him. "HE-" "Has potential. As of right now, at least he's accepting help from others." Wei Wuxian finished for him. Jin Zixuan turned an even brighter shade of red, making Jiang Yanli chuckle. Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and sat back down. "But what do you mean my sister and that Peacock died?! Who dares to harm my sister?" Jin Ling was silent for a moment before sighing. "That... is something I'd like to keep between me and my parents. It isn't that simple you know." Jiang Cheng turned his head away, but anyone could see how worried he was for his nephew and sister. 

After a moment of silence, the second Lan stepped forward. "Right... as of right now, I think we should lighten the mood a bit! I am Lan Sizhui, Sect Heir to the Gusu Lan Clan.." He gulped nervously before saying, "and the last blood descendant of the Wen Clan." The whole room gaped before erupting into chaos. "YOU'RE A WEN?" Jiang Cheng hissed. Wei Wuxian just raised an eyebrow. "You're more well behaved for a former Wen-" He dodged the punch Jiang Cheng threw at him. Lan Xichen tilted his head thoughtfully. "If I may ask... did you perhaps say.. last blood descendant?" The room grew quiet again. No one had noticed that particular detail, which now got people curious.

Lan Sizhui exhaled. "Yes. I am the last one alive." Jiang Cheng scoffed. "Good riddance. At least that means that all the other Wens are dead." Lan Sizhui flinched, but kept a small smile. Suddenly, Jin Ling rose and stood in front of Lan Sizhui with arms crossed. "Listen here. I understand you. The Wens killed people." Jiang Cheng raised an eyebrow. "However," Jin Ling hissed, "Lan Sizhui was born to parents who were in a branch from the Wen Sect. They had no intention of hurting others, and are consisted of mostly of elderly people and non-cultivators. I'd appreciate you leaving A-Yuan out of this. Jiu-Jiu." Jiang Cheng gaped at Jin Ling. Other people looked at Jin Ling with surprise. "I'm not one-hundred-percent sure, but I'm pretty sure by now you know a lady by the name of Wen Qing." Jiang Cheng nodded. "Well, she sacrificed the remaining branch of the Wen Clan and got burned alive by Jin Guangshan, all to protect..." He turned to Wei Wuxian. "Wei Wuxian. So if you cannot get your brain to accepting the Wens, know that this branch of the Wen Clan is the only reason your brother survived until..." He turned his head. It wasn't the right time. He'd taken enough of Lan Sizhui's introduction. Therefore, he went back to his parents. And to everyone's surprise, he sat himself in the lap of Jin Zixuan. 

Jin Zixuan blinked and looked at Jiang Yanli. She let out a small laugh and smiled. "You hold him like this-" She then helped him secure Jin Ling in place. Jin Ling huffed. "Good. About time." then he proceeded to roll his eyes. Wei Wuxian cackled at that, making Jin Zixuan blush again.

Lan Sizhui smiled. Jin Ling had spoken up for him! He opened his mouth and continued with his introduction. "Like I said, I am the last blood descendant of the Wen Clan. When A-Niang died, A-die took me into the Gusu Lan Sect, and hid that I was a Wen in order to let me stay there." Lan Xichen smiled. "And may I know who your father is?" Lan Sizhui grinned. "My A-die is Hanguang-Jun, also known as Lan Wangji." Wei Wuxian's eyes widened and he laughed. "Lan Zhan! Looks like you found a good wife in the future! I wonder how she beared your 3000 Gusu Lan Rules!" Lan Wangji looked at Wei Wuxian. Though no one could tell, Lan Xichen could see sadness and confusion in his brothers eyes.

I see you've moved on from Young Master Wei, Wangji...

Lan Sizhui smiled a 'very pleasant' smile. "Ah- that's right! My mother is in the room right now as well!" Everyone looked around confused. The only woman in the room was Jiang Yanli, so who could Lan Sizhui be talking about?

Wei Wuxian snorted. "Hah! Nice joke Sizhui! But as you can see, the only lady here is my sister- there is no other lady." Lan Sizhui smiled brightly. "Oh, it's you." Wei Wuxian blinked. He turned to Jiang Cheng, whose mouth was open in shock. "Jiang Cheng, I think I heard wrong. Did he say I was his mother? It's ridiculous right?" Jiang Cheng remained a statue.

Wei Wuxian turned to see Lan Wangji's reaction, only to see his normal stoic face... with bright red ears? Lan Xichen smiled. "Wangji, it seems Young Master Wei is still in denial. At least you ended up with who you wanted to be with!" Lan wangji's ears got redder. "Xiongzhan-"


Everyone turned to the back, to see Lan Qiren had fallen off from the bed. 

Oops.. I forgot he existed... Lan Xichen thought nervously.

To Be Continued →

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