The Mysterious Woman (Female Reader X Maria Hill)

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Her blue eyes landing on you.

Your lips parted as the shock came over you.

It was her.

Her voice was familiar!

Her eyes went wide in realization as well, but she swallowed her surprise and looked at her son. Her hands over top one another as she rubbed up and down her kid's back. "I'm sorry, Mommy!"

"It's okay, baby. We can talk more about it later." She kissed the top of his head and pulled him close. But she looked at you as her brain started working overtime on how the chances of this happening... happened!

"Nicolas, did this woman find you?" He nodded and turned around to look at you. "She was looking at the cool Castle!"

The gorgeous eyes of the mom went from you to build and back. "It is pretty cool. Remember, you got that for Christmas." Nicolas nodded. "Do you also remember the no talking to strangers rule?"

Ouch, but you understood.

Again, Nicolas nodded with a frown. "I'm sorry, but she looked like a safe person." The mom couldn't really argue with that, not after having her tongue down your throat 13 hours prior. "Well, do you want to ask her, her name?"

She sent a smile your way as Nicolas asked.

"It's Y/N." You sent a wave to the two as the mom couldn't help but smile wider. "That's a beautiful name." She said.

You felt your cheeks get warmer. You were about to ask the mysterious mom her name when the boy interrupted.

"Do you have it?"

Nicolas asked you as she pointed at the Castle. The mom stood up, and it took you a moment to answer as you basked in the figure of the woman staring at you. "I- uh- no, I don't- I'm buying it for a friend. A friends, kid!" You answered with your eyes darting back and forth from Nicolas to the mom.

"It is pretty cool."

You nodded to his words and found your eyes back on the woman. "Y/N." You stuck your hand out and smiled when her soft hand touched yours. The sensation was just as electric as last night.


"Maria." You softly repeated the name to yourself before it was shouted a few aisles down quickly, followed by "Nicolas!"

You looked at Maria, who sent a guilty look your way, confusing you. But before you could ask, a tall redhead came rushing down the aisle holding a smaller child—a girl.

"Oh my God!! There you are!!!"

"Mommy!" The boy ran into his mother's legs and wrapped his arms around them. "I'm sorry!"

You looked from the redhead to Maria, but she wouldn't face you. Instead, she placed her left hand that wore that scar, and now a ring on the redhead's back before her lips found her cheeks.

"He's okay." She whispered to Nicolas's other mom. "This woman here made sure he didn't run off."

The redhead looked at you as she situated the girl in her arms better. "Oh, thank you so much!! Truly! He was there one minute and gone the next!" She sounded truly grateful, and you could see the fear in her eyes about losing Nicolas, even if it was just for a minute.

"It was no problem." You darted your eyes to Maria just for one second before swallowing the sadness that was bubbling up. "I mean, who doesn't love Legos." You forced a laugh that broke everyone but Maria.

She stood watching you. She saw the hurt on your face before you masked it.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" The redhead took a step forward with her hand extended. "I'm Natasha!" You shook it, and your eyes ensured you noticed the giant diamond she sported.

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