Chapter 4_not so very good morning

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Ugh, what a headache... Where am I?

This is the last time I drink that much I swear to God...

My head was spinning, eyes were closing and my whole body was suffering pain. I turned around and hid my head below my pillow. Just being alive in that state of pain was making me want to kill myself. I heard a noise and I groaned silently; if somebody wanted to come into my room they could do it quieter. I wrapped my entire body in my sheets and tried to fall back asleep. 



Water running. 

They had to be messing with me, right? There was no way Liam decided to pay me a visit the day he knew I had to be handover

 I snuck into my kitchen, praying that nobody was there. But, to my dismay, Ghost was there with his arms crossed with a rather serious face. Why the fuck would he even be there? Wasn't he away? To be honest, I was feeling too shitty to give a damm.

—Before you say anything, I know you're angry but I need one cold shower to get rid of my hangover and then have a conversation with you— I said sitting at the kitchen table, putting my head in my hands.

With, still, an angry face, he let out a sight.

—What were you doing yesterday at the bar?—he asked as he served himself a cup of coffee.

—Weren't you in a mission or some shit?— I responded heading to my bathroom were cold water was waiting for me.

—How many times do I have to tell you not to drink too much? Look at you, with that hangover I'm sure you had more than a couple of drinks—he scolded me, talking through the bathroom door.

—Okay, you got it right but what does it matter? Today is Saturday and I'm off duty—I argued and then started to run the water— plus you're not my dad, go give my brother a leson. I'm sure he'll care more than me.

—What happens is that you and I know how drunk you were, you must have done something you'd regret.

—Can't hear you!— I responded, obviusly lying.

—You are such a kid— he scoffed. —Just know that there's no way you meet with Liam today— he added as he left the room.

—You're kidding— I shouted turning the shower off.

—I thought you couldn't hear me.

—Ghost, stop playing with me, I'm too tired to deal with you.

—And you think I'm not?— he started to sound angrier each word.

I opened the bathroom door: my hair wet, hoodie and swetpants on and pissed off at him. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with him, why was he even there? couldn't he go back to his mission or whatever the hell he had to do?

— I'm not having any of your bratty attitude— he said while heading to the kitchen.

—Oh ok, so you're telling me that I'm grounded like some ten year old?— I scoffed— great.

—You're not grounded, __________— he answered in a firm tone— you're facing the consequences of your actions.

—Ok, dad— I scoffed.

He sighed and finished making himself a coffee.

—You know this is my kitchen, right?— I asked sarcastically.

—When you start treating me with more respect I'll stop using your kitchen, deal?

I didn't even bother to answer, I was getting irritated each second that passed. I was too hangover to continue the conversation but it looked like he wanted to be there for more than a while. He did had a point but I was too stubborn to let him win that little argument. 

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