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_______ was a soldier from the 141 task force. To be more precise, she was Soap's little sister so she was basically 141's protege. Except for Ghost, he always had a bit of hate towards her but nobody knew exactly why.

________ basically spent her whole live between guns and tanks so it was no surprise when she decided to take the same steps as her brother.

—Come on, bubbles, show them whose sister you are!— Gaz shouted as ________ tried to take one of the rookies down.

He said, and quote, "No way you're Soap's little sister. I bet you don't even know how to load a gun" as a couple of rookies just stared blankly at her while they tried to hold their laughter. So, of course, the best decision was to fight that ignorant and prove him wrong, right?

She pinned him to the ground and grabbed his arm to start twisting it. All the rookies could see clearly how he was humbled in just a couple of seconds.

—You were saying?— she said.

Of course, his ego was too big to admit anything so she just stayed there until somebody came into the room.

—What the actual fuck?— said Ghost coming into the fight— MacTavish, let Ross alone, please— it almost sounded like he was used to it— My office, now.

_______ stood up letting that so-called Ross free from her. Walking skull face made a sign and she followed him to an empty room.

As they walked in, __________ started to justify what she did.

—Ghost, it's not fair and you know it.

—So what? What if it was Price who'd have cought you?

Silence. That was all there was.

—You know, you're brother is out there training day and night for our next mission and you're here beeting the shit out of some rookie. How does that sound to you?

—You're not being fair— she said with a serius tone. Ghost's words hurt a little but she wasn't going to let him know.

—So? You'll just punch every dude who calls you weak?

There it was; silence again.

—Guess what? you are. I'm not talking physically but mentally. Is really one little insult what makes you so fucking mad you have to beat somebody up?

—Are we done here?— ________ said a bit hurt.

—You're acting like a child— he scoffed.

—And you're acting like my dad. I'll beat the shit out of whoever I like and you don't get to call me weak because you're not the leader of the 141. Plus, did you even listen to my part of the story?

Ghost sighed as he shook his head slowly.

—I don't care what he said or did— he sighed—just stop before Price catches you.

—Whatever, lieutenant— she responded, enfaticing that last word.

She walked out with a mix of anger and disappointment in her. On one hand Ghost was right, she needed to train for her next mission because it wasn't going to be some kid's play. But, on the other hand, that rookie disrespected her and she needed to prove herself.

Ghost had no idea what being underestimated was like. With his stupidly high height and that skull mask he could even scare the shit out of their captain. The moment Ghost entered the 141 everybody respected him. But, of course, she had to prove herself almost daily due to her gender.

Since day one, Ghost and her had a little rivality between them. Both wanted to demonstrate who was better and neither of them wasn't goint to give up.

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