Chapter 1_How it all started

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—You've got to be fucking kidding me, McTavish— Bruce, John's and ______ dad, said with a very frustrated tone— she's just 10 ¿are you really asking for that?

—I'm not going to let her in this shit-hole with you both— Soap replied.

—I'm your dad, show some fucking respect, McTavish!

­—Mommy? why are soap and daddy arguing?— ­­­­­______ asked her mum.

The two girls were in the living room. They could hear all that was happening in the kitchen between Bruce and Johnny. Fiona, trying to avoid little _____ from hearing all their argument, took her daughter to another room.

—It's nothing sweetie, it's all going to be alright, ok? — she lied— why don't you show me that super cool drawing you did in class, hun? — she said with a kind smile.

_______ run to get her backpack and show her mum what she did in school. When she started to explain what the drawing was, a loud noise came from the kitchen.

—Why don't you play for a while with my phone while I check on Johnny and dad?— her mum said with a concerned tone burried in a smile.

_______ wasn't stupid, she was little but not stupid, she knew there was something wrong happening between her brother and her dad that was clearly alarming Fiona.

She nodded and started to play "Subway surfers".

Her peace lasted for a very little amount of time though. All she could hear were shouts, who knows what being throwed and, worst of all, her dad shouting some very specific words: "Ok, take her, I couldn't even care less about it! She's no use for us anyway". He wasn't talking about her..right? It couldn't be; her dad loved her, didn't he? Ok, it was true that maybe he wasn't always around but he still cared about her. Or, at least, that was what she wanted to believe. She sat down in a corner where she could forget about it all, she blasted music into her ears with her mum's phone and headphones and closed her eyes hoping it was all a bad dream.


Three hours later or so she woke up to her brother tapping gently on her shoulder. She opened her slighty teary eyes slowly. She could see that he had a bag over her back. He handed to her a small horse plushy.

—Bubbles, I don't have time to explain but we have to go, now— that's all her brother said before holding her into his arms and taking her to his car. Soap started the engine and drove away.

—Soapy, where are we going?— she asked hugging her plushy.

—Home, a new home, Bubbles.

—And mummy and daddy?— she asked a bit woried— I still have mum's phone and headphones.

—Dad didn't want to come and mum— he sighed— she didn't want to let dad alone.

—But I want to say goodbye to them

—There's no time, bubles, ok? just sleep and we'll get home in a very short period of time.

She did as he said. She had no clue about what was happening, she hoped to text her mum or dad but she didn't know she would never hear from them ever again. She closed her eyes and started to imagine what her new home would look like. She imagined they'd have an enormus garden where she could play with her friends, a room for herself that she didn't have to share with her mum and a TV that worked perfectly. Maybe she could even own a bunny, bird or, even better, a dog. There were infinite posibilities, multiple new styles of life but she wouldn't ever imagine where she was going in reality.

She expected a house, not a militay base; she wanted a room colored in blue and purple, not a grey one where she spent most of her childhood; she wanted to be loved, not to be alone all the time while her brother was out there endangering his life. At that point, for the next five years, she spent all her life in that room with her plushy. The 141 even bothered to hire a personal teacher for her until she decided what she wanted to do with her life. In the end, she had no other choice than train with her brother and his friends.

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