Isubu just shook his head in amusement before spraying water into naruto's face which causes him to wake up. He spit some water from his mouth before standing up and gave isubu a glare which the beast simply ignored.

Kokuo used his boil release to dry naruto and his clothes which naruto later thanked the beast for drying him up.

He then coughed and gained their attention. "Um, in case I didn't hear it properly, I ask again. You said that i'm now in the past?" The beasts nodded.

"Yes exactly brat, as we said you're now in the past. Although, we have no idea where nor when exactly we are right now." Shukaku said which caused naruto to look down on the ground with many emotions going through his eyes: sadness, grief and doubt.

When matatabi saw his expression, she grew concerned and asked if he was okay? "Naruto, are you alright?" She asked, which naruto slowly nodded and kept staring at the ground while tears coming from his eyes.

Kurama also grew concerned for the blond and asked himself. "Kid, what's the matter? You don't look happy." Kurama asked which caused naruto to look at him. When he saw naruto's eyes, he flinched. His ocean blue eyes hold emotions that made even kurama's heart break. Emotions that only a shinobi hold who saw too much in their lives and lost people that were precious to the shinobi.

Kurama was going to ask him one more time before naruto wiped his tears with his hand and looked at kurama with doubt and uncertainty. "Kurama, i have a really good idea why you guys did this, but." He then looked at the side of his shoulder and dropped a tear from his eyes. "But how am I supposed to protect everyone now when I couldn't do it in the future."

Kurama gave a sigh before speaking. "Kid, first of all, don't blame yourself for what happened in the future. It wasn't your fault, it was all that bastard madara's fault." He said with venom in his voice before continuing. "And second of all, you didn't had any idea what would happen. But now look at this way, you have fought all the akatsuki members including madara himself. You know what they will do and what they are capable of." Kurama paused for a few seconds to see if his partner understood where he was going with that.

When kurama paused, naruto started to think where his partner was going with this before widening his eyes in certain realization. "It means i can predict their every move and counter them without letting anyone die." Kurama nodded. "Exactly kid." Naruto couldn't help but wanted to facepalm at himself.

"And beside kid, you're not doing this alone." Kurama said which gyuki nodded with agreement. "Yes naruto, you're not alone. You have us with your side. Isn't that right everyone?" Gyuki asked which he got nods and shouts: "Yeah" from many tailed beasts.

Naruto shedded some tears from his eyes which weren't the tears of sadness but the tears of happiness. But before naruto could say anything, every tailed beast suddenly started to fade from the existence except kurama, who was looking at them with a straight face. "So it's time, huh?" He asked which he received nods from the tailed beasts. "Yeah, it seems so." Son goku said and looked at naruto who was very confused and kept staring at their fading form. He then extended his fist forward, and told the others to do the same except kurama who knows what they are going to do. When everyone brought their fist together, son goku asked naruto to give him a fist bump, which he did and suddenly gasped at feeling pain through his body and passed out right at the spot.

They then looked at kurama which kurama simply nodded with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, this brat is under my protection and i will not let him die this time." Everyone gave him a smile and nod before they completely faded from existence.

A few hours later.

Naruto finally woke up from his sleep and widened his eyes when he realized that he is lying down on his apartment bed. He then remembered what happened in the mindscape and quickly tried to talk to kurama through mental link. "Hey kurama can you hear me? He didn't get any answer for a moment and thought that kurama might also disappear but luckily, he did answer but with an annoyed growl. "Don't shout like that kid, i'm not going anywhere." Kurama said which naruto sighed in relief. "Thank goodness, I thought you." Before naruto could say, kurama beat him to it. "Disappeared? Kid, I am the strongest tailed beast among all nine and there's no way i would disappear like that." He said with a chuckle. Naruto just rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah mister immortal furball, i get it. You are the greatest." Kurama just huffed in response. Then they both shared a chuckle. During the 4th great ninja war, naruto and kurama got very close and became best friends.

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