It was the day of the planned attack on the ship Princess Andromeda. Beckondorf had already left with Blackjack to go get Percy. I was a nervous wreck with Silena. The both of us were pacing around camp all day. At one point, Drew Tanka managed to convince Silena and I that I needed a new hair color. She may have also hinted that it would make someone's heart beat a little faster and make me cuter. Silena was all for it, saying how she's been wanting to dye my hair for-freaking-ever. She even had the hair dye ready in her footlocker.

Two and a half hours later, I had purple streaks in my hair. Silena and Drew gushed over how well they did my hair and that Percy would love it. But now that we finished my hair, Silena and I went back to pacing the grounds. Annabeth had come over to check up on us. When she saw us with a bored Drew, she gave us a curt nod and walked away. Seth, a son of Apollo, waved her over and the two of the chatted near the archery station. I swore I saw Annabeth's cheeks turn pink.

Then a conch horn was blown. It was the signal that they were back. We made a break for it, leaving Drew in the dust. We saw a crowd of demigods going to the dinning pavilion. Chiron broke through the crowd first.

"Percy!" Chiron said. I picked up my pace, shoving aside campers. Some grumbled and accidentally blocked Silena. She pushed past them, further behind me. Annabeth was a little further behind me. "Thank the gods. But where..."

I saw him standing there with a grim expression. My heart raced when I realized he was here and he was safe. Percy was alive and he was safe. At that moment, that's all that mattered. Percy stared at me, his eyes swirling with different emotions. I stumbled to a stop in front of him.

I didn't see Beckondorf. Annabeth was right at my heels. Percy quickly wrapped me in a hug, placing his face in the crook of my neck. I placed a hand on the back of his head and brought
him closer to me. I could feel his body trembling slightly.

"Percy." I breathed out, placing a hand on his arm. He withdrew reluctantly. I could tell something didn't go as planned. He looked troubled. "What happened?"

"Is Luke-"

"The ship blew up." Percy said, a thickness in his voice. "He wasn't destroyed. I don't know where-"

Silena pushed through the crowd. Her hair was a mess from running her hands though it too much from worry while we paced earlier. She didn't even bother wearing makeup.

"Where's Charlie?" Silena demanded, looking around like he might be hiding.

Percy glanced at Chiron helplessly. My heart fell. Beckondorf didn't make it. Chiron cleared his throat.

"Silena, my dear, let's talk about this at the Big House-"

"No." She muttered. "No. No."

Silena started to cry, and the rest of the campers stood, too stunned to speak. My heart pinched as I walked towards her, placing an arm around her. Silena wrapped her arms around me and cried into my shoulder. Tears welled in my eyes. I rubbed her back, not knowing what to say. Clarisse came forward. She placed a hand on Silena.

"Come on, girl." Clarisse told Silena. She gave me a nod, telling me she's got her. "Let's go to the Big House. I'll make you some hot chocolate."

Silena reluctantly withdrew from me. Clarisse wrapped an arm around her shoulder. They wandered off towards the Big House. Everyone started to turn and walk away in twos and threes, heading back to the cabins. It was just Annabeth, Chiron, Percy and I left.

"I'm glad you're not dead, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth wiped a tear from her cheek.

"Thanks." Percy muttered. He looked at me as I sniffled. I turned to face him and words couldn't say how glad I was to know he was okay. "Me too."

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