Pay Attention To The Signs

Start from the beginning

Zac couldn't wait to put a smile on Zaya face him being present was all that she needed 

Zac checked Zaya in then headed out as he was heading out one of the teachers called his name 

Teacher: Hey Mr.Taylor we haven't seen you in a while looking good 

Zac: Just been working I been around 

Teacher: You should come to our next PTA meeting 

Zac: We'll see my wife normally takes care of that 

Teacher: It would be nice to have more men 

The teacher started winking at Zac

Zac talking to himself under his breath let me get my ass outta here she looking at me like I'm fresh meat. I am off the market sweetie 

Zac ended up running some errands before heading home 


Fatima had been working non stop since she got to the office she picked up her cup of coffee and it was cold eww she called Ebony but she wasn't at her desk. She went to the break room to make some fresh coffee 

Fatima with her back to the door making her coffee 

You must be the infamous Fatima Taylor I hear everyone talking about 

Fatima wasn't familiar with the deep voice she turned around 

Fatima: I don't know about infamous but I am Fatima and you are 


Fatima: Nice to meet you Kyle 

Extending her hand for a handshake 

Kyle: So you are the lawyer to beat I hear 

Fatima: Where are you getting all this information from 

Kyle: When you're the best you are the topic of discusses

Fatima: I don't know all about all that but I am great at what I do not to toot my own horn 

Kyle: You can toot your own horn I'm sure you worked hard to get where you 

Fatima: I have thank you 

Kyle: You're welcome it was nice to finally meet you, I'll be seeing you around nice we are office neighbors 

Fatima: I guess we will 

Fatima grabbed her coffee and went back to her office 

Ebony: Did I see you in there talking to Kyle 

Fatima: Yes I was just making my coffee he walked in on me 

Ebony: Well what you think 

Fatima: His deep ass vice scared the hell outta me but he alright 

Ebony: His voice is deep. So I did some digging and nothing came back on the mystery woman but I did find a social media but it wasn't to much on there either. 

What if she probably undercover you know how you can't really find much but then there is a random social media page 

Fatima: Why the hell would someone undercover be following us we been on the up and up for a minute now 

Ebony: I don't know girl but I'll keep digging 

Fatima: Okay I am about to head into this last meeting 

Fatima grabbed her stuff and headed into the board room when she got to the door Kyle was already in the room 

Knocking on the door 

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