
Começar do início

"Yeah, we won't judge you or anything. If yer overstressed, tell us what we can do to help. We're yer friends."

I should tell them so they won't be worried anymore but I know they're going to laugh at me until I die if I let them in on the situation.

"You won't judge me? I doubt that."

"Haha, what did ya do that's so~ bad, huh?"

"Atsumu, shut up," Aran snapped at him, causing the blond to pout.

I fiddled with my fingers a bit, trying to find some way to word this, but the only way I found out of this was to be blunt about it. There's no sugar-coating what happened, or justifying how I reacted to it.

"I was at the gym Wednesday evening doing my usual set..."

They stared on in interest.

"There was another person there, but I hadn't been paying much attention to him, so I laid down on the bench to prepare to do my dumbbell bench presses, and at the same time he moved to sit on the bench, and... he sat on my face. His full ass fell on my face."

It took them a moment to react, but I didn't need a moment to figure out how they'd react. They burst out in laughter.

I gave them a moment before finally spewing the cherry on top.

"I'm in love with him."

Then, utter silence, a stark contrast to the roaring belly laughter mere seconds ago.

"Aha... What?"

"I fell in love with him because he sat on my face. It was like some sort of wake-up call, and the way he looked so petrified and embarrassed and how he could barely apologize before he ran out of the gym was just... I don't know, I wish I could see him again."

Again, silence.

"Kita... I'm sorry, but what the fuck? How'd ya- What are ya even- I- What?"

"You like him 'cause... he sat on your face?" Aran was trying so hard to understand. Atsumu finally placed a hand on my shoulder and Osamu gave me a smile.

"Well, we don't judge ya, right? If ya love him, ya love him! Show us to him and we'll hook ya up!"

"Thanks, guys. I feel a lot better, now."

Then, the doorbell rang. I figured it was the pizza Aran ordered, but Atsumu quickly corrected my thought.

"Sorry, that must by Shouyou! We got plans tonight, so I invited him over a little early to hang out with us. Me and 'Samu hang out with him all the time, super cute, too. Oh, but not as cute as face-sitting boy, right, Kita~?"

"Ya mean he was my friend first, "Tsumu," Osamu grumbled to the doorway.

Damnit, I knew they'd tease me about it.

Aran and I talked about the soccer game on the TV until a voice deafeningly familiar echoed into the living room.

"Osa, Atsumu, hey guys!"

I jolted in my seat and turned around so fast it strained my neck, but I couldn't look away. His eyes, when they locked with mine, were just as shocked.

Aran and the twins looked between this ginger and I, but we couldn't focus on anyone else except each other.

When his face flushed red, I felt the tips of my ears burning.

"S-Sorry! Sorry about... that. At the gym. Uh, shit, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I swear. I didn't see you."

He covered his face up again, and I felt myself trying to push back a smile.

𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕒'𝕤 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕞 𝕗𝕒𝕟𝕓𝕠𝕠𝕜 | smutty/fluffy one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora