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"Um..." Shouyou muttered, sweating slightly as he tried to scoot himself up some. "Ugh, don't... move around so much..." Kuroo growled, his arms on either side of the black, plastic box they were trapped in.

How did this happen?

The last thing Shouyou remembered was he and Nekoma playing a round of truth or dare after their practice match and being told to get in the big box that previously held all the vests, jump ropes, and other things.

Now, however, it held two, very close, tangled, horny teens. The door to the supply room was closed tightly, along with the top of the box, with only the handle of a jump rope stuck through the top to give them air.

Growling flusteredly, Kuroo slammed his fist against the top, something heavy obviously on it, trapping them in. "K-Kuroo-San..." Shouyou whimpered, his cheeks and nose dusted red. Snarling, Kuroo turned to the ginger practically sat in his lap, his jaw slacking.

"Please don't... move around so much..." He practically whispered, hands turning into fists as he put his arms on either side of the box. A meek nod was all he received, the both of them sitting in silence for a minute or two.

"Those fuckers left. It wasn't supposed to be like this... I'm sorry I got you involved in my dare, Chibi-Chan."

"No, um, it was my fault for climbing in without thinking, so, uh, sorry..."

Again, silence ate at them, their faces mere inches apart as they stiffened their bodies, trying hard to not move.

Eventually, Kuroo's leg began cramping, and he moved it a little and out from under Shouyou, propping it up beside the ginger's head. Their lower regions brushed against each other, and Kuroo immediately scooted back as far as possible, cheeks burning.

Sweat dripped from both of them, both from the heat of their own breaths and from the two of them holding back from touching their crush.

A whine left Shouyou's mouth, and he squeezed his eyes shut, tucking his face deep into Kuroo's shirt. "Shi- I'm sorry," the black-haired male mumbled, placing a hand on the back of Shouyou's head absently.

"This is embarrassing..." The ginger groaned, looking up to laugh awkwardly and try to calm the thick tension in the air. Instead, Kuroo felt himself being drawn into his caramel eyes and bright smile, and his throat felt dry. He gulped.

"Yeah..." He weakly replied, voice cracking and causing him more embarrassment. The door opening caught their attention, and Shouyou quickly scrambled to the small opening in the box, his body falling onto Kuroo's as he frantically tried to push the top opening.

"H-Hey..!" He shouted, breathing steadily becoming erratic. Shocked, Kuroo grabbed onto the ginger's hips to steady his small body, feeling one of Shouyou's hands gripping at his bicep as the other continued pounding at the top of the box.

"S-Sorry! They told me not to open the box for another hour! I just forgot my drink, so, uh, sorry!" Lev quickly scrambled out of the room, the door clicking shut behind him. Whimpering, Shouyou tucked his head into Kuroo's neck, his body trembling and his breathing sharp.

"What if they forget about us? What if we're stuck here until morning!" Another whimper left Shouyou's lips as his teary eyes turned up to Kuroo's, filled with panic.

Inhaling, Kuroo placed a hand on the back of Shouyou's head his lips crashing against his and cutting off his next sentence. After a few seconds passed, he pulled away, pushing their foreheads together.

"Calm down," he whispered.

"... I'm calm," the ginger muttered, eyes wide.


"I'm calm..." Shouyou repeated, licking his lips absently. "I know," Kuroo muttered deeply, taking Shouyou's small shoulders and pulling him away to look at him properly. "Listen," he began, "There's, er, there's something I've been meaning to tell you..."

Caramel eyes finally trailing up Kuroo's body and to his face, Shouyou placed a hand to his lips, eyes still wide. "You... You kissed me..." He nearly whispered, and Kuroo began chuckling. "I know."

"Why?" At this, Kuroo scratched at his cheek awkwardly, attempting to shift his legs, but stopped upon hearing Shouyou whine. He gulped and looked up, his nose brushing against the top of the box.

"'Cause... 'Cause I think you're cute." From the corner of his eyes, Kuroo saw Shouyuo purse his lips, and he shut his eyes tightly. "And," he continued, "I love you..." The two of them sat in silence, and Kuroo wanted to punch himself.

"I-I, sorta... um, I feel the... same..." Shouyou stuttered, and the black-haired male's heart lept into his throat. "What-What does 'sorta' mean?"

"I mean..." With a large gulp of air, Shouyou stood on his knees and placed a chaste kiss on Kuroo's lips. "Like-Like, that..." Humming in understanding, Kuroo licked his lips, which tingled from Shouyou's touch.

"Can I... Can I do it again?" The taller male's breath hit Shouyou's face, and he nodded, mouth slightly open as he leaned closer to Kuroo, his hands on either side of his face. With an arm wrapped around Shouyou's waist, Kuroo pushed their lips against each other sweetly.

He steadily began getting deeper, reverting to peaking the ginger's lips over and over again. HIs heart nearly dropped when he heard Shouyou moan softly into their kisses.

Puffing out air through his nose, he slid his back down the side of the box some, allowing Shouyou to hang over him as he shuffled around in the taller male's lap.

"Mnh, don't-don't move around so much..." Kuroo finally muttered as he broke away from their kiss, groaning into the back of his hand. "'m sorry~" Shouyou whined, gripping onto Kuroo's hair loosely. His eyes were closed, lips wet and parted and begging to be kissed again.

Soft puffs of air left his lips as he placed his forehead against Kuroo's, staring deeply into his eyes. Kuroo stared back, enraptured by this side of Hinata that no one else has ever seen.

Tenderly, Shouyou kissed him again, much softer and slower than Kuroo's kissing as if he wasn't sure where to pick back up at. Kuroo helped him by pushing up against his lips, deepening it, and licking at Shouyou's lips.

Gently squeezing at Shouyou's thick ass, Kuroo felt his small body arch into his, molding together as their tongues danced rhythmically between their mouths. With a growl vibrating his chest, Kuroo scooted himself back up, overtaking Shouyou and dominating his mouth.

"Ngh~ Mnh~" The ginger whined and whimpered under Kuroo's lust-filled gaze as they cracked their eyes open. Teasingly, Kuroo bit at Shouyou's bottom lip, causing him to moan quietly.

"Hah~ Mhn~ Ku... roo... -San~" Eyes flickering closed, Shouyou's body relaxed against the back of the box, his hands going on either side of it as he tried to regain his breathing.

Footsteps sounded from outside the room, and Kuroo smirked, leaning over to Shouyou and kissing him once more time. "Spend the night at my place tonight, okay?"

Cheeks aflame, Shouyou nodded, and their teammates finally opened the top of it, only for Lev to get a shoe in the face. Kuroo growled. "You fucking idiot! Why didn't you open it!"

"'Cause Yaku told me he'd kick me if I did!"

"Well, now I'm going to kick you 'cause you didn't!"

"Why me~!?"


𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕒'𝕤 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕞 𝕗𝕒𝕟𝕓𝕠𝕠𝕜 | smutty/fluffy one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now