Just two idiots in love

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"Hey, Kage!" Dan leaned towards boy, who was peacefully sitting on the grass and began waving affably in front of the Kage's face, almost hitting his nose with his palm.

Silence is dead.

"Ugh. What do you want?" Kage glared at Dan, looking very uninterested in talking or even hearing anything about him.

"I know we don't get along very well and all that stuff..." Dan nervously clutched the fabric of his sweatshirt, looking away in embarrassment. "But I need your advice!" He blurted out confidently, clenching his hands into fists.

Kage, still looking bored, raised one eyebrow.

"You see..." Dan began to wrinkle the fabric of his sweatshirt again. "I fell in love with someone..." He whispered embarrassedly.

"What?" Kage was caught off guard by this, his face slightly red as he looked away. "...love?"

"Don't you know what love is, Kage?" Dan's embarrassment immediately turned into a smirk as he crossed his arms. "You're probably too immature to understand that." He said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not immature!" Kage glared at boy angrily as he clenched his fists in front of him, almost wanting to just punch him... almost. "Love... what does that have to do with me?"

"Ah, well.. " Dan accidentally cut a hole in his sweatshirt. "You and I have a lot of conflicts, right?"

Kage raised an eyebrow.

"... So the problem I'm talking about..." The boy with the red streak of hair chuckled. "Is that I'm in love with a very stupid and stubborn person!" He spread his arms with a smile.

"Stupid? " Kage started laughing. "You're joking, right?"

"Ooh yeah! They are very dumb!" Dan started laughing too. "I really don't know why I fell in love with them..."

Kage started laughing harder.

"This is... this is hilarious. Who is it? Who is it! I wanna know, who is this idiot you're in love with? I gotta know!"

"Nope!" Dan twirled his index finger in front of the boy's nose. "Help me first, and then ask questions." He grinned proudly.

"Ugh..." Kage grumbled as he rolled his eyes. Then he sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Fine. And how can I help you?"

"So." The second boy sighed and clapped his hands together. "Like I said, I don't know why I fell in love with an idiot. Like seriously! They are very annoying, but that's one of the problems..." Dan muttered. "Because they are very stupid, I don't know how to confess to them!" Dan muttered more irritably, but then he grinned.

"... As an intelligent and mature person, can you give me advice?"

"Advice?" Kage groaned, sounding very annoyed and frustrated. Then he thought for a few seconds, before finally responding.

"Alright. Fine. I'll give you advice, but only because I pity you for loving an idiot."

"Hey! It's not my fault that I love an idiot!" Dan shouted in embarrassment, clenching his fists. "You can't order your heart, you know?"

For some reason Kage looked thoughtful at those last words.

"Alright, so... what exactly is this moron like? Tell me about them."

"Well, so... " Dan began to flex his fingers. "They are my age, I think. They are stubborn, as I said, they loves to do dirty tricks and cheat... and they are also very stupid and do not understand my hints!" He sighed irritably, but then smiled. "But deep down they are very sweet and caring, they have a good sense of humor..."

Dan Kouzo x Kage [ oneshots ]Where stories live. Discover now