"I hate you" I managed to gasp out.

"You know you love me" he teased, pressing a playful kiss to the top of my head.

"Not really" I replied, though there was a hint of truth in my response.

Dylan could be a bit arrogant at times, and his flirtatious personality often bordered on obnoxious. His constant teasing and flirtatious remarks sometimes tested my patience, and there were moments when I found myself wanting to kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

But beneath his cocky exterior, there was a genuine humor and warmth to Dylan that occasionally shone through. And I couldn't deny that he's funny.


"Where's Leslie?" He asks when he lets go of me and I quickly fixed my ponytail.

"She's probably at the cafeteria" I replied casually when Dylan inquired about Leslie's whereabouts.

He ignored me.

Dylan spun around, scanning the hallway as if Leslie would pop up from behind a corner at any moment.

"Dylan, buddy, she's not hiding in the lockers" Justin quipped, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

Dylan's interest in Leslie wasn't exactly a secret; he had a crush on her, just like he seemed to have a crush on every girl he sees.

"Maybe she's at the cafeteria" I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Dylan's obliviousness, his words echoing my own just moments ago.

"Thats what I just said" I said, shaking my head as Dylan bounded off without waiting for us, leaving Justin and me behind.

Justin and I exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging the underlying tension surrounding Dylan's crush on Leslie.

Then Justin reached out to gently take my hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring. "I'm really sorry about last Friday" he said softly, stepping closer "I promise I'll make it up to you this time."

I glanced up at him, my heart softening at the earnestness in his eyes. Despite his flaws and the mistakes he had made, there was a genuine sincerity to Justin that I couldn't help but be drawn to.

With a small smile, I nodded in acceptance of his apology, silently acknowledging his efforts to make amends for his mistakes. Despite the uncertainty that lingered in the back of my mind, there was a part of me that wanted to believe in the possibility of forgiveness, to give our relationship another chance.

As Justin and I walked hand in hand towards the cafeteria, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. It was like every step we took was under a microscope, with classmates waiting for us to slip up so they could have something to gossip about. It was unnerving, to say the least.

And if we managed to avoid any slip-ups, they'd just make something up to keep the gossip mill running.

The constant scrutiny from our peers made every move and word feel like walking on eggshells. It was as if we were constantly performing under the watchful eyes of an invisible audience, afraid of making even the slightest misstep that could be twisted and used against us. The pressure to meet their impossible standards was suffocating, and it often left me feeling a bit anxious.

Justin seemed unfazed. But beneath his laid-back exterior, I knew that Justin cared about what others thought of him, especially when it came to our relationship.

Then my heart skipped a beat when I spotted Grayson emerging from the principal's office.

Why was he walking out of the principal's office? His serious expression intrigued me, leaving me curious about what happened privately.

His demeanor took me back to our last encounter—the awkward car ride home in the rain. That ride was a stark reminder of the growing divide between us. It was obvious that Grayson felt some resentment towards me, and I knew that trying to fix our friendship was pointless.

I had come to terms with the fact that some things just couldn't be fixed.

Justin remained oblivious to the history between Grayson and me, and I preferred to keep it that way.

For many reasons.

I see Grayson's gaze flickered down to our intertwined hands. His glare bore into our hands for a second before he looks up at me.

As our eyes met, I felt a surge of nostalgia mingled with resignation. Normally, I would have yearned for even a small acknowledgment from Grayson, a sign that perhaps there was still hope for reconciliation. But this time, I found myself looking away.

"You're okay?" Justin's voice pulled me out of my thoughts, and I realized he was looking at me with concern.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just hungry," I replied, offering a weak smile.

It wasn't a complete lie—I hadn't eaten breakfast this morning, and the growling of my stomach served as a reminder.

My mind couldn't shake off the urge to steal a glance back at Grayson. It felt as though his gaze was still fixated on me, even though I knew it was irrational to assume so. Yet, the curiosity gnawed at me, tempting me to turn around and check if he was watching.

But before I could entertain the thought further, another figure emerged from the principal's office, sending a jolt of anxiety through me.

It was Mr. William, our school principal.

In that moment, any lingering thoughts of Grayson were pushed aside.

He wanted to speak with me—about my abysmal performance in math class. The sinking feeling in my stomach only confirmed my suspicions. Last time he had warned me about the consequences of failing math, especially if I wanted to remain on the cheerleading team. I had promised to study harder, but truth be told, I hadn't made much effort to improve my grades.

Desperate to avoid the impending conversation, I instinctively sought refuge behind Justin, hoping to blend into the background and evade Mr. William's attention.

"What are you doing?" Justin's voice broke through my panicked thoughts, confusion evident in his tone.

"Shh, just keep walking," I whispered urgently, silently pleading for his cooperation.

But before I could execute my brilliant escape plan Mr. William approached us, his stern gaze fixed on me.

"Emery Rose, may I have a word with you?" His voice was firm.

I don't move.

Maybe he's talking to another person.

"Emery Rose" he repeated, this time with a stern edge that left no room for doubt.

Okay, no. he's talking to me.

I stepped out from behind Justin, offering the principal a nervous smile. "Oh hi, Mr. William, fancy meeting you here," I blurted out, my attempt at casual banter falling flat.

Mr. William simply nodded and motioned for me to follow him. And I complied reluctantly, shooting Justin a pleading look as I resigned myself to whatever fate awaited me in the principal's office.

My God, I just wanna eat.

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