Introductions To Reality....Why Didn't I Realize Your Pain?

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The two then walked closer to them saying, “What do you do with your hair? Do you dye it?” 

Branch just shook his head grumpily and said, “I don’t do anything, can you leave me alone.”

But the two didn't let up, they kept asking questions, and Branch looked at him for help. He would just shrug his shoulders and smile, Branch gave him a betrayed look as the girls decided to put makeup on him. He just laughed in return, Flare just looks at this exchange with a smile chuckling a little as well. Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as he thought.

The glitter that was also there came up to him and cleared his throat, catching Floyds attention and causing him to calm himself down. But that took a few minutes, because he kept looking over at B who is looking more like a grumpy model than his brother. He managed to calm himself down though and the trolling finally got to speak, “Floyd right?” he just nodded his head still chuckling, “I’m Guy Diamond.” he raised his hand to shake it. 

Still smiling, he took Guy's hand and said, “Nice to meet you Guy.”


Peppy was dragged away from his tent, by a determined Sapphire, and towards what he assumes is her and Flares tent, and was put inside. Once inside she forced him to sit down and just stood over him saying, “We need to talk about what happened.”

He just sighed, “I know.” doesn’t mean he's prepared for it. He wants to know what happened, but the look on Floyd’s face when he came back. He can tell something happened, something bad, and he thinks it has something to do with Branch. He knew Branch was awake on the trek and would not sleep, even with his brother there. So seeing him out and Floyds look told him something was wrong. 

He shook his head.

 “What happened?” He asked, trying to get out of his thoughts. 

Sapphire’s face fell and she sighed, “I’m not sure, when you sent us to look for them, we just looked around, and tried to listen for any movement. When suddenly we heard a shout.”

He looked up at her with surprise. Pop trolls have good hearing. He's surprised that he didn’t hear anything, and he’s sure nobody else did either. Maybe they were too anxious to notice?

“Couldn’t make out much of the shout, but I heard fire.” Sapphire continued, looking more disturbed. “Flare thought it was the boys so he called out their names. I wanted to hit him.” she mumbled a little at the end looking a bit irritated, but he could still hear it. Also fire? There was no fire?

She quickly continued,“But anyway it worked, we heard the older one call back and found them, but….” she trailed off.

“Floyd was not talking and Branch was out?” He finished for her. She just nodded her head, “Yeah, something like that.”

That wasn’t as bad as he thought, but still concerning. Though there are a million questions going through his head, the main one he has is, “Why would Floyd run into the forest?”

Sapphire looked over at him startled, was also deep in thought, saying, “What do you mean?”

“When someone first told me two trollings were in the forest, I thought it was just trollings being adventures.” He said, looking confused. “But when I found out it was Floyd and Branch I was....concerned, but also confused.”

Sapphire sat next to him and asked, “Why would that be confusing?”

He snapped his head towards her, “Floyd would never run off into the woods unless something bad was happening.”

She backed away for a moment when he snapped his head towards her, but then she looked deep in thought thinking about his words, “Something bad his brother.” She finished mumbling looking at Peppy releasing something.

She suddenly stood up shouting “Something bad happened to Branch!”

He looked up at her surprised, then his eyes widened when he realized what he meant. Floyd ran in the forest because something happened to branch? What could have happened?

“Why would he run in the forest instead of getting help?” he said, confused. This doesn't make sense, Floyd is smart he would usually get help if something happened. Let someone else take care of it if he didn’t know how.

“I don’t know.” Sapphire said, looking concerned. “But the kid has been acting differently since the chief….you know.”

She…has a point, he didn’t pay much attention to Floyd while he was digging the tunnels, but he’s been more independent. He was always independent in a way, but he just never lets anyone help him. Even when he babysits his two….even when he babysits Poppy. Never complained or anything, just did it. 

Now that he thinks about it Floyd is actually darker in color, not gray like Branch used to be before he came back, just darker. How did he not notice this before?

What did the chief do to him?

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