When It's New Years Eve-New Years

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It's New Years Eve, there was going to be a celebration and countdown for midnight. You knew Newt had a crush on you, but you weren't really interested, but that didn't stop him from trying, not in a harassing way tho. Anyway you and him were great friends so you still hung out with him during the celebration, and he would flirt with you from time to time, and you would flirt back to play along, then roll your eyes,while he would chuckle and say

"You can't blame a guy for trying" and you just smiled.

There were a couple other girls in the Glade at that point,Teresa and Nicole, she had come up a couple months ago and by the time one month had passed her and Minho were boyfriend and girlfriend, and Teresa and Thomas had started dating a month before Nicole had come to the Glade. Teresa really thought you had a crush on Newt, but when she asked you denied it, and you didn't really, so she let it go even tho she still had her suspicions. She would see you flirt with him from time to time, but you said you were just humoring him or playing along with his crush on you and his flirting with you.

Teresa: "So you really don't have even a little crush on Newt?"

Y/N: "No I honestly don't, we're just friends"

As everyone gathered around for the count down at the 20 second mark you were stood beside Newt as you both participated in the count down. Then suddenly at the 10 seconds mark you had a burst of thought and feelings, in that 10 seconds you had so many thoughts 'Newt, he really is cute, it's cute how he flirts with me all the time, even though he knows I'm not interested, he's so cute, and funny, and sweet, and kind'.

Everyone: "3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!"
In an impulse moment you turned to Newt grabbed his shoulders and kissed him hard, after you started kissing him he kissed back. Teresa and Nicole had also kissed their respective boyfriend (Thomas being Teresa's and Minho being Nicole's) but after looked over at you and Newt in shock, as you and Newt kept going for 10-15 seconds as you made out. After, Newt looked at you happily surprised and in shock

Y/N was shocked as well: "Can you give me a moment?"

Newt: "Yeah go ahead"

You walk over to Teresa with her look of shock

Teresa: "What was that?! I thought you didn't like him like that?"

Y/N: "Me too, but in those last 10 seconds leading up to midnight I just had the biggest crush on him, he just looked so cute"

Teresa: "Well clearly you had something for him"

You roll your eyes at her comment
You walk back over to Newt who has a smug smirk with his arms loosely crossed

Newt: "I thought you didn't like me like that"

Y/N: "Ok ok, yes I kissed you it was, an impulse moment, but if I'm being honest, yes, I started having a little crush on you in those last 10 seconds before midnight"

Newt: "So does this mean that you like me now"

Y/N hesitantly and a little embarrassed while still meaning it: "Will you be my boyfriend ? I mean, if it's not too late and you still have a crush on me"

Newt gives you a 'Really, you went there?' look then says this: "Of course it's not too late, and yes I still like you and yes I will be your boyfriend, I wouldn't have flirted with you earlier if I didn't still have a crush on you"

After you put your hands on his waist and pulled him in a little closer as you leaned in and kissed him A few minutes after witnessing you and Newt kiss, again,

Teresa walks over to you two with a closed mouth smile Teresa: "I knew you two would become boyfriend and girlfriend at some point"

Y/N a bit confused: "Then why did you look so surprised after I kissed Newt the first time?"

Teresa: "That's because you denied that you would ever have a crush on him everytime I asked"

Newt: "Wait why did you ask so many times?"

Teresa: "Because I saw her flirting with you so many times" Before Newt could say anything about your flirting you respond quickly

Y/N: "I told you I was humoring his crush on me and playing along with him flirting with me"

Teresa muttered: "I don't know I still think you had a little crush on him"

Y/N 😐: "I really didn't"
Y/N: Well hey it doesn't matter I started having a crush on him 10 seconds before midnight, kissed him, and now he's my boyfriend"

Newt: "And she's my girlfriend"

Teresa with a smile on her face: "Well I'm happy for you 2"

Y/N: "Thank you, now Newt, I need some 'help' in my hut"

Newt smirks: "No problem love"

You and Newt go to your hut together and makeout as you're all over eachother.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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