When Someone Starts a Rumor about You (You're Dating)

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Everyone is at the bonfire gathered around to play Truth or Dare, it's Brian's turn to choose a victim

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Everyone is at the bonfire gathered around to play Truth or Dare, it's Brian's turn to choose a victim.
"Y/N" he calls out, "Truth or Dare", "Dare" you choose, everyone got excited when someone chose Dare,
"I Dare you, to kiss Ben" Brian dares, "What?! But I'm dating Newt" you protest,
"Doesn't matter, you've got to do it" one of Ben's friends says,
"Yeah, so pucker up Y/N, you know you want to kiss me" Ben mocks,
"Shut the hell up Ben no I don't",
"Ya still gotta kiss him" Brian says, it made sense that Brian would Dare you to do this since he was one of Ben's best friends. You made eye contact with Newt giving him a meaningful/thoughtful look asking for permission, Newt nods knowing that it's just a Dare, you take a deep breath and go over to Ben, you kiss him, then as soon as you could you go back to your seat and kiss your boyfriend Newt to get the taste of your mouth,
"Oh whatever you liked it" Ben tries claiming seeing you kiss Newt, you flip him off. Later after the game is over everyone heads to their hut to go to sleep, but Ben went over to Brian,
"Hey, when Y/N kissed me, she slipped me tongue" he lied,
"What? It was just a Dare and she seemed horrified" Brian says surprised at the idea you would cheat on Newt, "Yeah I'm as surprised as you are, but I guess she was just using her pretend disgust to cover up for the fact that she wanted to kiss me" Ben suggests in a conceited way. Over the next day and a half the rumor about you spread like wildfire. 2 days later you went to the cafeteria for lunch but when you stepped in the whole room went silent and everyone stares at you as if you had turned green, you walk over and sit next to Minho and ask
"What's going on?" whispering,
"Ben started a rumor that when you were dared to kiss him the other day, you slipped him tongue" Minho explains filling his friend in,
"WHAT!?! He said that I FRENCHED him!!?" you whisper exclaim outraged, "Yup, I obviously didn't believe it but he's got almost everyone else convinced you cheated on Newt" Minho states,
"Oh my gosh Newt" you say thoughtfully concerned what he was going thru, "Does Newt know?" you ask seeing if you can get in front of this problem, "Yeah he knows" Minho answers before taking a spoonful of stew,
"Oh gosh, where is he?" you ask,
"Last time I saw him he was in the garden" you get up from the table and flee out of the room. You walk steadfast to the garden and spot your boyfriend working with a bush,
"Newt!" you exclaim as you approach him, he turns to you and says nothing as you start "I know you heard that rumor, I would NEVER cheat on you, I couldn't stand that I had to kiss that jerk but I had to for the dare" you plead, Newt just listens to you, "I had a crush on you for 4 months and thought it was never going to happen before Minho went and told you that I had a crush on you, so you have to believe that I would never hurt you" you ramble, Newt stood there with his arms crossed and a small grin on his face listening to you, "You need proof?" you question frantically, you go up to him and kiss him hard, after stopping you back up "THAT had tongue, because YOU'RE my boyfriend" you exclaim "I would never willingly kiss anyone else" you finish, Newt just looks at you and chuckles,

Newt's POV
'I acted calm but that kiss rocked my bloody world'

Return to normal POV

"Y/N I never believed that rumor, I know you would never do that to me, I trust you" he explains grinning at your desperation to prove yourself to him, "Then why did you let me go on rambling!?" you exclaim,
"I didn't want to interrupt, and, it was nice seeing you try to make sure I knew you only like me, plus I wasn't going to turn down a free kiss, especially a kiss like that!" Newt explains, you give him a look like 'Really!?',
"I was so worried!" you proclaim,
"I know! And I love that you were determined to make sure I knew the truth" your boyfriend grins,
"And you're my boyfriend dummy, for the most part you get free kisses anytime you want" you point out,
"I know, but not always like that" blondie points out, you roll your eyes and chuckle,
"So why are you out here instead of eating in there?" you ask,
"I didn't want to be in there with those liars" he retorts,
"Well I'm happy you know, and it makes me happy to know you trust me" you remark smiling,
"Yup, now time for me to give out punishments" Newt remarks seeming happy for this part,
"Ooh yay" you say excited rubbing your hands together, you loved it when your second-in-command boyfriend doled out punishments to people, it low-key made you a little hot, and he knew it, you assumed that's part of why he waited until you were there to see. You both walk together to the cafeteria where you both stood in front of everyone
"Who here heard the rumor that Y/N cheated on me" Newt says loud enough so everyone could hear, everyone raised their hand for a minute then put their hands down, "That's what I thought" Newt a bit disappointed voiced so mainly just you and him could hear, "Raise your hand if you spread this rumor to eachother" Newt tells them, all but Minho, Thomas, and Gally raised their hand, "Everyone who raised their hand, you get 3 days in the pit" Newt declares, most of them started protesting saying
"The pit for 3 days! That's not fair!", or "All we did was tell people something that may not have been true" another said,
"Yeah, you spread a rumor that if I was stupid and did not trust Y/N could've ruined a perfectly good relationship" Newt explains, you beam at your boyfriend as everyone gets up from their tables and made their way to the pit. After that you and Newt had Gally and Thomas go to the table you 2 were sitting at with Minho, and you ask "Why didn't you 3 believe the rumor?" "And why didn't you spread it like everyone else? Newt asks,
"She's my sister, I know she wouldn't do something like that" Thomas replies,
"I had a feeling there was something off about it, I try to mind my own business, and I trust her" Gally explains,
"She's my best friend, and I see the way she looks at you, I know she's crazy about you and no one else" Minho replies smiling, you wrap your arms around Newt's torso hugging him and rest your head on his shoulder,
"He's not wrong" you remark,
"Oh I know that, and he also knows I'm just as, if not more crazy about you" Newt smiles with his arm wrapped around you, you pick your head up for a second and Newt gives you a soft kiss. "Anyway..." Minho grabs the both of your attention, "Get a tray of lunch then come sit down, and keep your hands to yourself" he teases sternly, you and Newt roll your eyes before getting up to get some food.

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