20- Vincent

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Valerie  POV

                  Six years later

"Mummy" I heard two little voices whisper.

"Hmm." I groaned in my sleep, turning over to lay on my belly.

"Get up mum." Nathaniel, my five years old son whispered, trying to shake me awake.

"Baby go sleep, mummy needs some rest please.. I will be up in five minutes." I grumble in my sleep.

You can't blame me for wanting to sleep for hours. Since I had my little angles, I have being doing less of sleeping, more of working, and parenting... I barely had time for myself, but I'm not complaining. I wouldn't trade this feeling for anything in the world, even though I barely had time to rest last night.

I heard a faint whisper, before everywhere went silent.

At last someone can get a peaceful sleep in this house.

Suddenly, I felt two little hands tickling my waist and another one tickling my neck, with little giggles.

I burst out in laughter, I'm so ticklish and their little hands were really cracking me up.

"I am up.. I am up, please stop." I laugh, slipping my eyes open, but the bright sun light in the room makes me quickly shut them. After few seconds I open up my eyes again, this time my eyes adjust to the brightness in the room.

My eyes falls on my cute little angels, more like devil's, torturing me with their little hands.

"Talia..." I quickly grab both their hands in one of mine. I pulled them forward, letting them fall on my bed, pulled them closer to me, before rolling over to tickle them all over their little body.

"Ahhhh... Please... Hahaha mum." Talia squeaked.

"Please stop... Hahaha." Nate pleaded, trying to stop me.

"Apologize for disturbing my beauty sleep."

" Sor.. sorry mum" Talia managed to say out, with her eyes getting teary from laughing.

"I'm sorry" Nate says quickly, still trying to fight my hands off .

They both apologized before I let them go, with quick kisses on their head.

"Good morning mum." they both say in unison, after catching their breath.

"Good morning my babies... Where are my kisses" I yawn.

They both sit up on the bed, planting kisses on both sides of my cheeks.

"Mummy, am hungry." Natalia says, with her hand stroking my hair.

"OK baby.." I said.

"Can we have steaks? "She asked hopefully.

"With ice cream too." Nate added.

" No honey, you had that last night."

" Pretty please." Talia say, giving me the puppy eyes with her big brown eyes, with Nate flashing me his million dollar smile.

" Nope, not gonna work." I said. Fighting off the urge to fall for their looks.

They know given me that puppy eyes was my weakness when it comes to them.

" But mummy." Talia pouts.

" Not happening babies."

" Ok mum." They both say in unison, giving me a sad look.

I sighed "How does pancake with blueberries and syrup sound? And then we can get the ice cream later. "

"Delicious." Talia squealed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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