The man glanced at her, swallowed the soup and porridge for a while, and nodded: "Progress."

    The president's wife snorted. With a cry, she reached for the porridge and said, "If it doesn't taste good, don't eat it."

    The president avoided her hand and said helplessly, "Isn't progress a good thing?"

    The president's wife is already young, and when she is angry, she looks a bit coquettish. Silly: "Progress does not mean delicious food."

    The president said warmly: "I will eat it whether it tastes good or not, as long as it is made by you."

    The president's wife turned to look at him, her eyes seemed to be satisfied, and urged: "Then eat quickly. , I watched you eat."

    There was a brief silence in the office, with only the sound of clinking bowls and chopsticks.

    Ten minutes later, there was another knock on the door.

    The president had already finished the soup, porridge and salad, and was eating fruit. Hearing this, he glanced at the door and said, "Come in."

    Secretary You came in, holding a document in his hand: "Sir, this is the schedule for the afternoon meeting. "

    The president's wife stood up at this time, and while packing the lunch box, she said: "Then I won't disturb you, you can go about your business."

    The president watched her put away the things, got up and walked her to the elevator.

    When entering the elevator, she turned around and hugged him again. After a brief intimacy, he watched her enter the elevator and said, "Be safe." The

    president's wife smiled and nodded.

    Soon, the elevator door closed.

    Outside the elevator, the expression of the man who had been gentle and doting just now slowly changed, returning to his usual cold and ruthless appearance.

    He walked back to the office. Secretary You was no longer in the office, and there were no agenda for the afternoon meeting on the table.

    It's just an excuse to drive away guests.

    He put his hand into his trouser pocket and put the ring that had just been taken off that belonged to Sophia back on his finger.

    At the same time, on the first floor of the government office building.

    The president's wife left the building with an empty food box in her hand, smiling warmly and greeting people passing by.

    There is a hover car parked outside.

    She sat in the driver's seat and was about to start the engine when suddenly, a cold object came from behind, like a knife, and pressed against her neck. Then, a voice came from behind: "Don't move." The

    president's wife was stunned. One moment, the next second, she snatched the thing close to her neck, turned around and slapped the person behind her: "Scare me, and you will scare me!"

    Sophia laughed loudly in the back seat: "You love the most I brought you a cold drink specially."

    The president's wife opened the cold water bottle in her hand, took a sip, took out a ring from her pocket with one hand, and stretched it back: "Here."

    Sophie Ya took the ring and his eyes instantly became serious.

    The president's wife screwed on the lid of the drink and said while driving the car: "He hides it very carefully. Every time he goes home, he doesn't wear it. After thinking about it, it is only possible that he hides it in the office, but the fake ring looks good. It looks real. When I saw it, I couldn't tell it for a moment."

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