NSFW - HONSIM ; please don't look

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the setting takes place in street fighter alpha 3

tw; dysphoria


"someone please love me now..." the bedsheets tighten as edmond lays himself down with tears in his eyes. looking at himself in the mirror is tiring, when will he ever have his perfection? all he wanted was the perfect body of a sumo wrestler. a legend himself that he thought was going to let it slide. his hair is wonderful as a result of showering. such a feeling of shame in his eyes. he could hide his face in his pillow. "when will i have a perfect body? will i ever be a man? is my voice not enough?" edmond whispered.

he needed someone to comfort him with the feeling of care. the sumo wrestler sniffed as he needed his boyfriend the most. all he wanted was to become a man. is his support from his father and dhalsim not enough for him? "i need to get out of this mess..." edmond whispered as he heard the door open from the yoga master who already sensed his feelings.

"what's wrong?" the yoga master asked as edmond hid his face behind the pillow. "i hate myself." edmond sniffled. "please don't look at me. close your eyes." dhalsim closed the door as he went closer to the bed. "why do you hate yourself for the way you look..." he went next to edmond on the left side while looking at his boyfriend's face. "is it your gender dysphoria?" he placed his hands gently into the sumo wrestler's beautiful black hair, brushing them gently. "so what, dhalsim? i'll never become a man..." edmond sighed.

"would you like some meditation?" dhalsim asked. "we can explore what we can do to overcome it." after a few sniffing, edmond sighed. "i don't know if it'll work... your meditations always help, but this might not help me out." the sumo wrestler replied. "trust me, edmond. i tried meditation to overcome my dysphoria and ensured to kept being proud of myself. it helps a lot." the sumo wrestler sighed. "can i trust you?" the yoga master nodded and they both sat down in their beds, beginning their meditation sessions. with dhalsim taking his breath, he floats a little higher. "now, darling. breathe in..."

edmond sighed and followed dhalsim's words. he breathed deeply as he exhaled. silence grows for how long it takes for the boyfriends to remain in their meditation, but it's okay because they're finding their tranquility. dhalsim opened his eyes. "listen to what your body needs, darling." he pressed his hands like a prayer, getting back down to the bedsheets. "i know for a fact that you will become a man. you still have a long journey ahead while taking your steps forward. have you talked with your therapist about it?" edmond nods. "most of the time. the only thing i can do is keep up with my everyday things and remain proud of myself..." he sniffed again. "why does it feel like i'm trapped in a body i never wanted to have? i just wish i could make it stop for a while. it's like i need someone to make love to me until that feeling goes away. just fuck me until it goes away."

"does having sex work that way?" dhalsim asked. "it's just my thoughts. i don't know if it's worth it." edmond replied as he wiped his tears. "maybe we can try it? again, i just need someone to love me for the way i am right now..." dhalsim smiled and he held the sumo wrestler's hands gently. "you're lucky to have someone like me, edmond. because you are perfect the way you are. i promise you that you'll become a man and gain your body the way you wish to have." the sumo wrestler sighed and smiled slightly. "i hope so..." silence grew more as dhalsim tucked the sumo wrestler's hair, looking at the brown eyes. "can i love you tonight?" the sumo wrestler nods as he kept his tears running down his face. "just don't look at me. promise me, dhalsim?"

they agreed together as they began to kiss their lips, embracing their bodies as edmond rasped into his boyfriend's mouth. the yoga master closed his eyes and began to ride on the sumo wrestler's thighs, as edmond gripped dhalsim's ass tight. the yoga master's fingers run through his boyfriend's pussy, beginning to masturbate back and forth as the sumo wrestler blushed. they stopped kissing as the sumo wrestler moaned. "wait... i'm not wet yet." he huffed. "looks like my dinner is ready to be served." he opened his eyes. "and the only way i can eat my dinner is to let you ride on my mouth." the yoga master licks his fingers. "do you still promise me to not look at me?" edmond asked as they began their next position. "my eyes close when i kiss or lick your pussy. just like before." they both agreed. "i'll be fine, edmond." as the sumo wrestler sits on dhalsim, the yoga master began to kiss his pussy lips, licking every inch of it.

the sumo wrestler blushed while closing his eyes, with no more tears running down his face. they were only dried from his face. edmond murmured as he moved his body softly from back and forth, professing his pleasure. dhalsim could devour the whole fluid coming from edmond's pussy, coming from their realization that the sumo wrestler is now wet and is ready to cum whenever he wants to. the yoga master stretched his tongue, getting inside him while going back and forth in his vagina. "d-dhalsim..." edmond could feel his boyfriend's tongue as he moaned softly. "please... please..." dhalsim held honda's pussy gently, continuously licking inside him. "please don't look..."

edmond repeated the same three words, feeling his dysphoria coming back. while dhalsim remained his eyes closed, he began to grip the sumo wrestler's thighs softly as they both moved their body. he remained riding on dhalsim's tongue and mouth, moaning the repetitive words again, and again. "please don't look..." he broke it as he could feel dhalsim continuously stretching his tongue deeper onto the very end. "fuck me, dhalsim-kun!" edmond rasped. "make me cum on your tongue, dhalsim-kun!" he kept riding onto dhalsim's tongue, feeling his tears coming down once again. "please don't look..." he kept it again as the yoga master kissed his boyfriend's vulva lips while devouring him like a good yoga master does.

after licking it faster inside him, edmond moaned with his dirty words coming from his mouth, moving faster and feeling his orgasm. "f-fuck! i'm about to cum!" the sumo wrestler cried in pleasure as dhalsim kissed his pussy again. after a few more stretching on the deep end, he could already feel edmond's cum running on his tongue. the sumo wrestler remained wet as he kept cumming while dhalsim stretched back to the normal size of his tongue, kissing honda's pussy a few more times after licking the fluid. "mmh..." dhalsim hummed as he gets up and looked at edmond's tears running again. "my darling..." he whipped them again and held his cheeks. "be easy on yourself and i promise you that you'll reach your goals."

he kissed his boyfriend's chin. "please know that i'm proud of you, mr. edmond honda. i love you." the sumo wrestler kept butterflies in his stomach, hearing encouraging words from the man he loved so much. "you're beautiful, darling." he kissed edmond's cheeks, running to his neck, gently pressing his lips in the sumo wrestler's skin. with a smile on his face, edmond's tears kept remaining falling. "thank you for being my sunlight when i needed you the most..."

street fighter oneshots (2023) - dhalsim x e hondaWhere stories live. Discover now