HONSIM ; dream of a sculpture

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au; street sculptor au

— "hey."

the sculptor seemed to hear a heavenly voice upon from his ears. his slumber has just begun around 11 pm just to get ahead of his schedule. edmond tried to squint his eyes when something touched his shoulders.

— "hey. open your eyes."

edmond squinted again and rubbed his eyes, only for his vision to blur out slowly once he woke up. someone made of marble as it should be, beautiful, like a real person. what a gorgeous body.

— "who woke me up from my sleep...?" edmond blinked and concentrated on the man's face. "haaah..." he looked at the beautiful sculpture at the top of the sight. "do i know you..?"

the sculpture smiled and took a glance at honda. "you're so silly and curious..."

— "what do you mean?"

— "i'm the model you sculpted." he replied. "it's dhalsim that you're falling in love with."

honda realized and quickly sat down to take a better look at his beautiful model. the yoga master, a man who takes care of his village, the statue of his lover...

— "it really is you, dhalsim..." honda smiled. "but how did you know?"

— "i can read your mind." he touched edmond's hands. his mind questions everything known for touch. a white marble with a very soft skin uniting is one thing that he's learning from.

— "but how are you even alive?" he asked. "am i dreaming?"

— "it is a dream."

— "will i see you again alive?" he felt hopeful.

— "if you keep thinking about me and create more beautiful sculptures of me, i think you may see me again." dhalsim responded. "now, may i?"

— "what do you mean?"

— "come closer, and you'll see."

dhalsim touched edmond's chin and processed the touch once again. both of them went closer to each of their faces, lips opened, feeling the tension, proceeding slowly towards a searing...


edmond panted and touched his heart skipping a beat, only to wake up on his dream. but not just any dream, it's something that he'll remember forever.

— "did i just have a dream about dhalsim?" he asked himself. "and i almost kissed him! how could i wake up to something that's worth a chance?"

he sighed and smiled. "if only he's alive.."

street fighter oneshots (2023) - dhalsim x e hondaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang