Their First Love [Natasha]

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A/N : Hi everyone so sorry that I didn't post the chap 9 of Omega and the crossover oneshot, my school ends right before Christmas eve, then my Mom got admited to the hospital and well next is new year so it's kinda busy, sorry again but this oneshot is in my draft for over a month or week now so this is my sorry token for you all


You sigh, getting off the elevator in the compound to visit Natasha. You two have been friends for over two years now. You two met in the coffee shop nearby your company building. She sat at your table with your permission because, at that time, the shop didn't have any vacant seats left. Since then, you two have hit it off and become friends. After a year, you started to date, and you courted her until today.

But once you get off the elevator and pass the two doors that lead into a common room of the Avengers quarters, you frown at seeing everyone gather around and see Natasha clinging to a guy.

"What's happening? "You question walking forward; everybody looks at you.

"Oh, Bucky, the winter soldier, Steve's pal back in the days, and the Bucky I've been talking about—uhm, he's back and sided with us," Natasha explains, giving you a hug and a kiss on your cheek.

"Hi, Y/N, nice to meet you." You offer him a hand, but he just looks at it without emotion, so you take your hand back.

"Ok," you mumble, and sit down on the couch and just look at them, especially Nat and Steve, who have pampered this new guy with questions and appreciation that he's here now.

You just let them have fun and enjoy their time. You understand why, especially Steve and Nat. I mean, that's Steve's pal or brother, and that's Natasha's first love, the love she found in the red room and KGB, where torture and killing grow, where she trains to be a black widow. But you're not going to hide the fact that you're jealous and scared that what you and Nat have will end soon.

You let it slide the first few weeks, where Natasha was constantly clinging to Bucky and having quality time, and set you aside, but when the 5th week struck, you confronted her, where she just got home from a 2-day mission with Bucky, Tony, and Sam.

She's tired and exhausted. Their mission goes south, which comprises a lot of people's lives, and all she wanted to do was go home, get the dirt and blood off of her body, and hope the frustration and self-blame will go down the drain too with the rest of the dirt, and sleep the night off.

But that's not what's waiting for her; instead, you're in her bed, sitting and looking at the wall in front of you. When Natasha enters her room, she sighs and comes to kiss your forehead, then goes off to go to the bathroom.

"Be honest with me, Natasha... Are we still dating, or will you and Bucky go back together? "You asked before she could close the door, not looking at her form, which was frozen in her spot.

Natasha frowns, slowly turning back at you with a confused look. She doesn't know how to answer it, and she herself doesn't know either. All she knows is that Bucky is here; she wants to spend time with him, but at the same time, she's building a relationship with another person, which is you. She just sighs, trying to look into your eyes, but you keep your eyes straight.

"I-uhmm....I don't know...I-" You didn't let her finish her sentence; you already heard enough, so you stood up, took your bag on the sofa, and headed out to her front door. Natasha quickly followed you.

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