I Tried [Scarlett]

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Here is it again, the feeling you wanted to go, wishing that you don't have it and that this time you wanted to end things

It's so hard to breathe and to see clearly when a panic attack hits you and no one was there to help you, to at least make it better a little bit

It just happened so fast, one moment you're in the interview having a good time with Jimmy Fallon and one moment you're in your car trying to calm yourself while you're driving home and here you are

In your house where no one, not even your girlfriend can help you, where you are reminded that at the end of the day you're alone, away from anyone

But you wanted to fight, you still wanted to live but the thought of taking your own life lingering on your mind, there's someone in inside your head, telling you how ugly and unworthy you are, how your life are meaningless and your just a burden to everyone , that it's makes it better if your already six feet under

"Stop.....s-stop" you keep banging your head to make the noise go away

You needed to live, you have too, you're too young to die, you even barely lived, you still want to catch your dream, you still want to do so many things

You still want to go on different countries, learning their culture and see the beauty of the world, you still wanted to see children playing around with their beautiful smile shown on their faces and you still wanted to be better, the only thing you wanted now, you still wanted to be able to get out of your nightmare, to your dark days

But it's impossible to get out when the day passes, the more you shrink down in the whole of your nightmare, that no one can pull you out of it

"Ple-please stop....." you sobbed, grabbing on your nightstand to get your phone

You need help and only one person you know can help you and you will allow your body to be in their worse and vulnerable in front of them, your girlfriend Scarlett, so you called her



What Y/N, I'm busy

I-I need help, pl-please

Y/N, again? fuck grow
up it's just a breakdown
fuck, I'm busy and you
can make yourself feel
better, it's just a


You sobbed even more and your phone dropped on the floor, you don't know if you can, all you just needed is help from your girlfriend

And as she said, it's just a breakdown so you get up and slowly walk out of your house and try to calm yourself on your own


The thought of you never leaving Scarlett's mind, even if she focuses on the script she's making in front of her too her laptop that needs to be done in a week and she just half done it that makes her stress out more

"Fuck" she scream banging her fist in the table and run her hand in her face up to her hair

She can't focus, your voice ringing in her ear, how uneven your breath and how much pain can be heard on your voice over the phone and she keeps cursing to herself

"Why did you fucking said that, Johansson!" she hissed to herself when she remembered what she told you and she quickly got her wallet, phone and keys running out of her home office and went to her car

It only makes her frustrated and your phone just keeps ringing and it keeps going on voice mail while she drives to your house that is 30 minutes drive, too long for Scarlett liking so she goes over speeding, all she wants is to make sure you didn't do things nor hurt yourself

But all she saw was an empty house when she got to your house with your phone on the floor, so she asked for help from Lizzie to help her to look for you


"Baby, oh my god" Scarlett quickly ran to your body in your bed in your penthouse

They looked all around the city and finally they saw you, sleeping peacefully

"I'm sorry, baby I'm sorry" she keep saying sorry while caressing your cheeks and tears rolling down her cheeks, she house how mentally unstable you are and she knows too that your suicidal so it drives her crazy when she didn't saw you in your house

"I'm sorry" she can't help but hug you, she is so worried

and this adds to her worries when you didn't make any move, you usually already woke up by her caressing your cheeks for a few minutes cause you're a light sleeper

"Baby?" she worriedly asked, tapping your cheeks

"Baby?!" this freaks her out, 'clearly you didn't move even a single muscle on your body

"Baby, come on, this is not funny!" she shouts more tears running down her cheeks

"Baby, please..." she sobbed and this caught Lizzie's attention when she saw a white piece of paper on your nightstand so she took and read it

"Come on Baby, this isn't funny" she shook your body but you did not respond

"Sc-scar..." Lizzie shakingly looks at Scarlett and her own tears run down her cheeks

"What?!" Scarlett quickly saw the paper and snatched it on Lizzie's hand.

"I tried.....I really tried......it just.......I'm sorry...I'm sorry"

"No, no, no, no, no, no" she quickly hugged you tightly and sob even more

"No, baby please wake up........please, pl-please open your eyes....I-I'm sorry baby please..." she kept screaming for you to wake up but it's all too late

You commit suicide, by shallowing over 50 different kinds of pills before you lay in your bed, like your just gonna take a quick nap saying 'just wanna rest' leaving a note, a note you wrote when the feeling got the best of you, you even soaked it by your tears drop

Maybe you can do things you wanted to do in this life in your next one, where you wish your life is a whole different one from this one



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