The Young Olsen [Scarlett]

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Requests by Alex_2151

G!P Scarlett

No smut

Words : 7636



"Scar" my head quickly looked at my right side where Lizzie called me.

"Yeah?" I asked to walk towards her while she was walking towards me too

"Come here" she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the corner, at this time I know it's about Y/N

Well, we both agree to keep our relationship in private so we're careful when we go out and specially on our wedding, we do a garden wedding, we only invite our family, only family even a close friend we didn't invite, the less people know about us, the less the media found out

And the times like this, where Lizzie has to drag me out of people's ear, it makes me worried that my heart wants to get out of my chest just the thought of my wife hurt or something is wrong, especially now that my wife is pregnant

"What Liz? Is Y/N/N ok? the baby? how are they?" I hurriedly asked when we stopped and she smiled at me

"Don't worry they are ok, no need to worry" she reassures me and I sigh in relief

"Then why did you drag me here?" I asked frowning

"Your wife is worried about you, she said they've been messaging and calling you for hours now so she called me to look for you, she's worried about you" my eyes winded from what Lizzie said

"Liz, you're up" someone called Liz

"Better call her now, Scar." She patted my shoulder and I nodded.

"Thank you Liz" she nods and goes to the scene

I quickly run to my trailer to take my phone and call her while some stuff shouts at me to go into the dressing room

Well I don't care if they shout at me or what, even if I'm still in my suit, my wife needs me, nothing more important to my wife and our unborn child

Once I got inside my trailer I quickly got my bag and practically poured all my things down in my bed, 'cause I don't know where my phone is inside my bag, I just put it inside carelessly

"Finally" I sigh when I see my phone and open it

The first thing that welcomes my eyes whenever I open my phone is the 148 messages of my wife and over 200 missed calls

"Oh shit" I cursed and quickly dialed her number and thank God she quickly answered


Scarlett oh my God, thank
goodness you finally called
me, I'm so worried about
you, I've been messaging
and calling you for hour

I'm sorry love, the scene

got longer than it wouldwe kept messing our lines
I'm so sorry, I didn't
answer your calls and
messages, I'm really sorry

Where are you?

I'm still in the studio, but

don't worry, I'm cominghome now, ok?
They want some ice

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