She Cheated [Scarlett]

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It all happens so fast, it's like 1 second we're fine and then we're not, it's like something switches off inside her

I don't know what I did wrong, what I have done, what she saw or what news she got that she just turned off of me

She's completely disrespecting me, she stopped listening to me, she stopped caring, she stopped being sweet, she stopped talking to me and she stopped being my girlfriend, even tho we still live in the same roof, her roof I mean

I mean, I don't think I would say it was mine too, cause it's her house after all, I just moved in with her 4 years ago and she can't even look at me in the eyes

But the worst part is, she starts humiliating me, she's telling people-no, I mean the whole world a complete lie, I don't even know where she got that

But she could have talked to me first, sort things out on our own, in private but no, she goes out and tells the whole world how completely a whore I am

"Ms. Y/L/N, what do you wanna say about what Ms. Johansson keeps telling the media for over 5 months now?" "Ms Y/L/N, is it true that you cheated on Ms. Johansson?" "Ms. Y/L/N, are you and Ms. Johansson is officially breakup?" "Ms. Y/L/N, please give us a statement about, Ms. Johansson's statement about you cheating on her"

And that's the few questions I have for over 5 months once the news got boom and spread the whole world within a minute

Every time I go out there's always paparazzi, asking me questions, suffocating me while pushing their body on mine, shoving their mics in my face, giving me the dirty looks, judging me and throwing a harsh comments

I can't go out of my-I mean her house in peace, and I can't even talk to her, she's avoiding me, she makes a schedule to herself to go to the place where I was no longer there

And even if I'm catching her in the studio, work always comes between and ohh the cast too, they make sure that they stole Scarlett when they say I corner her

And for the past 5 months, I'm so tired following her around and asking for forgiveness that I didn't do, I am tired understanding, reasons myself at why she's doing this and letting her disrespect and humiliate me in front of the cast, our friends and other people specially to the world, I'm so fed up

"Oh god, please Liz, stop it ok, I know she's out with that whore again last night, that's why she came in late last night...." she scuffed while waiting for her retouch to be done with Lizzie which us besides and and I'm just 3 seats away from them and I can heard then clearly

"Scar, did you truly have the evidence-" Lizzie quickly cut off with yer huff

"Oh come on Lizzie, no one will go out with their secretary and bring them to a motel, walking inside with that whore attached to her body like a leech!" Scarlett hissed and stabbed the app

"She deserves what she's getting now, she messes with me, I'll make her life a living hell! she's a fucking slut!" I clenched my jaw and I can't take it anymore

I can't let her humiliate and disrespect me again with our friends and I can't keep my mouth shut and understand her, I have to stand on my own feet

And if this what she wants, ok I'll give it to her, she wants drama, hell I'm gonna give her a one hell of a drama

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