Emotions Pt. 2 [Natasha]

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LiviRomanoff ffonamoRashataN YacinthaSmit lhecxzsa tashakink MrsRomanoffHill _NatashaRMaximoff_ JacobHendricks AmameLauren 1-800-MILFSandDILFS RINEP2478 lexa_raccoon Miaxnatasha elyciqnpower nat_romanova gayforscar katiemahon_ DiyaChheda9 changeyourreality JPmarvel90  (there's two user I didn't mention because of the problems on my phone)

Ok guys I have one question. What do you think I look like?

Like if I'm tall of not, if I have a pointed nose or not? If I'm ugly or not, just wanted to know what do you think I look like

And I'm thinking to do a "get to know me" or "face reveal', please comment what do you think I look like, I really wanted to know


It's been a a week and a few days and I completely avoiding myself to be goofy around Natasha, I didn't do anything like I used to when I'm with her, the small hugs when we see each other, holding her arm when we're walking, I just keep my hands inside my pockets, the rambling about whatever come on my mind, the foods I always bring up to her room for her, practically everything that we used to do I avoid it

I didn't avoid her, I still do things with her but limited, I don't want to get my hopes up just to crash it back down and I'll never wish that she will like me back, it's obviously that she doesn't feel the same way

And this past few days I'm trying to date someone, to say the least no one catch my eyes well what can I expect I'm still in love to a Russian redhead but what I am saying is I don't feel like comfortable with them but this one

Her name is Alina Smirnoff, as you can tell she's a Russian and redhead too, ok what is wrong with me at why do I have a thing for a Russian redhead?

Anyways, I meet her 4 days ago at the park, she's struggling to her dogs so I help her and well, we exchange numbers and been texting or sometimes calling each other this past few days and yesterday she asked me out for dinner well more like a whole day since she said she wants to show me some other places and I agreed to it

It's sounds like, I'm using her but I just think that she's my ticket to get rid of my feeling for my redhead teammate, well I don't know why I'm an Avenger, I just know how to fight and well helping Tony and Bruce in the lab

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