Chapter 3.5 Where do we go from here?

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Sam's P.o.V

Once the door to Josh's and his brother's locker close, I pulled out my phone to look for a place to eat. I didn't want to do a burger joint, but I didn't want to pick something fancy either. I don't think he'd be in the mood for a fancy restaurant. I didn't hear the door open, but I did hear Tish's voice when she came sat down on the couch beside me. 

"What you looking at?" she asked, and I told her saying that I was trying to find a place where Josh and I could go eat after the show. "Do pizza. He loves a good slice of pizza." She then told me a good pizza place nearby and I thanked her for helping. 

"It's a promo, isn't it? " I said as I looked on the tv screen. She nodded as Joe's face had gotten a close up for a brief moment. "So, I need to say something. I plan on moving to Florida, California just isn't cutting it for me." 

"Are you sure? It's not because Josh lives in Florida, does it?" she asked, and I shook my head. It wasn't because Josh lived out there it was because the two weeks that I had been on vacation was wonderous. She then went on to tell me about how she had met Joe and how the two of them had gotten together. 

"It was by chance, I had just finished running errands and was heading for the cricket store for my last one when I saw him. He was there taking care of a bill for his daughter. I had bumped into him as I was entering and he was leaving. Almost instantly we both apologized at the same time." she says, she was about to say more when the door opens and in came Josh with his two brothers. 

I smile as he came in "How does pizza sound?" I say before he could speak. 

His smile turned into a grin. 

"You were reading my mind mama let's go!" he says as he mentions a moment later he needed to change first and I nodded and walked out of the locker room with Tish in tow. Just then a new voice enter the hall and I watched as Tish's face broke into a smile once more. 

"Hey Trin." she says 

"Hey...." She takes a double take when her eyes land on me. "I didn't know you were a twin Tish!" Tish giggles and apologizing saying she should have. 

"Hi I'm Sam nice to meet you!" I say giving her wave, she smiled and than had that look of surprise on her face. 

"You're the woman that Josh's kept talking about!" she said when the locker room door opened and Jon and Josh walked out. "Oh my god Josh! This is her?" 

He looked her way with a smile and I couldn't help but smile in return his smile was infectious. "Yes Trin this is her and we're going for pizza. " he paused and gave me a look and I smiled telling him that if his family wanted to tag along they could. 

"Oh no you two need to have time alone we'll hang another time." Jon says giving me a side hug. We said our farewells I grabbed Josh's hand in mine and he gripped it in his tenderly and intertwined our fingers.  As I drove us to the pizza place we talked and he told me when he had returned back home his father had asked how the trip had been. 

"Pops listened to every word that I had said. He was also the one that told me I was an idiot for not getting your number." he states with small smile. "He stated that someone must've been watching over me to have me meet you. I'm just a very lucky man." 

"I'm touched Josh. I told Nattie what had happened when my extra week was over. " I said as I pulled into a parking space. I ended up telling him all about it as we walked into a family owned pizza place. We ordered a couple of pizzas and drinks. Once our drinks were filled, we found our table. I told him how Nattie had invited me over to her place that weekend for wine and girl talk. "We have a girl night at her place almost every friday night. Her husband Andrew normally goes out with his friends on fridays but that night those plans had been canceled. " 

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