Chapter 1: Our eyes meet again

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Sam's P.o.V 

When your sister said she had a ticket for WWE she meant she had a backstage ticket for WWE. I couldn't flat out refuse the offer and as of right now I'm standing in front of my closet trying to figure out what to wear. She did say not to worry about being too nice and just wear comfortable. Comfortable to me was sweatpants and a sports bra.

If it was going to be casual, I wanted to at least look good in casual clothing. Finding my checker canvas sneakers, I quickly found my favorite pair of skinny ripped jeans and a loose t-shirt. I got dressed tucking my shirt but fixing it in a way that it was loose and not tight and smiled as I picked up my brush. 

Brushing and styling my hair quickly I also scanned the top of my dresser for my sunglasses. I heard my phone ringing, and I sighed going to the vanity and answering it with "Yes Hello?" I walked back to the dresser and grabbing my sunglasses and placing them on top of my head. 

"Hey Sis of mine you ready for the show?" she asked. I told her of course I was and that I was walking out of my place as we speak. "Good. I swear you're going to have a good time!" I smiled and knew I was and told her I see her when I get there. She wished me safe driving before hanging up. I put my phone into my back pocket and got into my car after locking up my house. 

I got to the arena and parked my car in the parking lot for backstage goers. At the entrance stood Tish with a grin on her face.  I reached her and she gave me a hug and handed me my pass. "It's so good you're here." she said as we walked inside. 

"Yea Me too. What you been up to?" I asked as she linked her arm with mine. she told me about this boyfriend she had, and I raised a brow. 

"Yea we've been dating for a couple of months now." she stated happily. 

To say I wasn't surprised by her not immediately telling me was fine, I was just curious who this 'he' was. "So will I ever get to meet this guy?" I remarked as we reached a door. She nodded chuckling and opened the door. As we walked through it, I was greeted by a tall man. The expression on his face was priceless and his mouth made an 'Oh' expression. 

"Right....You told me you had a twin but.... Wow I..." he started his smile beaming as he tried to figure it out on his own. He then walked up to Tish and gave her light kiss and she giggled. I only smiled as he introduced himself as Joe. The three of us talked for several hours before the door opened again and in came a very annoying tone of voice. 

"He's acting up again......" he stopped talking when his eyes met Tish and I and he gawked. He was an older looking man, and I knew him immediately as Paul Heyman. He introduced himself with a smile knowing who I was. I greeted him in kind telling him it was nice to meet someone who read my book. 

"Book?" Joe questioned and I nodded saying I had written a book it was mostly young adult. Told him the title was 'Of time and Royalty.' "Let me guess it's a big hit?" 

"It is.... So, I'm surprised such a man like Paul Heyman took the time to read it." I spoke. He mentions he had two kids and one of them had liked it. I smiled saying I was glad of it. "Please don't ask the most asked question, I'm not sure if I'll make a sequel to it." Just then the door open and Tish was laughing as two men walk in. 

"I swear Uce! Two years! Two years of him sulking and being angry with the world trying to get over the ex. It took a week down at the cabin at the beach for him to come back a totally different Bro! " The taller of the two men who had enter said. 

"Jon, Joseph" Tish said getting their attention and she got it and my breath hitched into my throat as she introduced me to them. "This is my twin Sam." I was holding back a laugh when the man named Jon did a double take. 

"Hi" I greeted smiling he didn't say anything he didn't have to as my eyes went past him to his own twin. "You must be Joshua." I said getting his attention almost immediately. Our eyes locked with one another and the very room we stood in felt like it was only the two of us. He was licking his lips and rubbing his hands as a smile crept onto his angelic face. 

His attention was pulled away when his brother Jon was playfully hitting his shoulder. I too was pulled away by Tish. "What was that?" she whispered, and I didn't want to tell her. I excused myself for a moment left the locker room. 

I reached the corner of the hall before I heard him. "WAIT!!" I turned to him with silent tears brimming at the corner of my eyes. He stopped when he came up to me and his right hand came up to cup my cheek. "Oh, Mama don't cry." he said wiping away the tear. He broke into a smile, and I choke up a laugh as I wrapped my arms his waist. 

"I missed you...." I mutter into his shirt, and he laughed. I could feel it and it was comforting. His arms rested on my shoulders for a moment before he gently pulled back into arm's length. 

"Sorry about my Fams back there. How ya been?" he asked leaning against the wall. I leaned against the wall and slid down to sit on the floor he followed as I told what I had been up to since I had seen him last which was a year ago.  We were so engrossed into our conversation that we didn't see the four heads poking out from the locker room we had just left. 

Meeting him that day was definitely something I didn't know I had needed.



Here you go! Just to clarify I'm sorry ahead of time if Jey, Jimmy, Roman or Solo Sikoa are OOC ( out of Char) 

In the end I hope you enjoy  * Smiles *

A summer of fun with a SamoanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora