Chapter 3: My heart swells seeing you again!

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Josh's P.o.V

We sat in the hall of the arena just talking about what happened the past year that we hadn't seen each other. I had told she had been on my mind ever since and she smiled saying the same. "I'm sorry for letting you think I might've left you hanging like that." I say my eyes sad. 

"You didn't! I'm sorry for not getting your number when I had the chance!" she stated. I started laughing then and she did as well. 

"Well we shall fix that shouldn't we?" I said looking her way with a half smile. She smiled as I got back to my feet and helped her to hers. Her blue eyes searching mine I cupped her cheek and almost brought my lips to hers when her phone went off. 

"I'm sure it's just no one." she states her hands coming to rest on my chest. I gave her a smile and went to kiss her again only for a noise behind me to end the moment. I look behind me and see my brothers and cousin watching from the doorframe. The three of them with huge grins on their faces. 

Especially Jonathan's. 

I could only roll my eyes frustrated that after a year of not seeing her and wanting to kiss those lips again I was blocked twice

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I could only roll my eyes frustrated that after a year of not seeing her and wanting to kiss those lips again I was blocked twice. I heard her giggling and I looked towards her with a raised brow. "What?" I asked and she shook her head with a joyous smile. 

"I think you're needed." she stated and she was right I was. Told her we get back to this. "I'll be waiting." I turned to leave only for her to smack my ass and I looked back her licking my lips. Her smile was a devilish grin and I only shook my head as I pointed a finger her way. She knew what it meant and blew a kiss my way. Earning a grin to come out of me. I turned back to my brother Jon and the two of us headed for the Gorilla.

Tish's P.o.V 

Sam had walked back into the locker room and found a chair and sat down. I was happy that she had found someone and when I asked her how she had met Joe's Cousin, she told me not caring that Joe was listening or that Joseph, Josh's little brother was listening as well. She told her story and her eyes expressing the feelings she had felt those days when it was just her and Josh. 

"He was so attentive and so caring, that it made forget why I was there." she stated, and Joseph laughed lightly. Telling her that it sounded like his big brother. Joe only nodded before his face changed and I saw that the camera crew had walked in. 

"I'm going to stand in the hall I don't want to be on tv." I heard Sam say and I nodded my head saying I was going with her. I linked my arm with hers and we walked the corridors of the arena. After a few moments she spoke. "So, tell me about Joe? How did it happen?" 

"Well, nothing like yours I'll tell you that." I said earning a chuckle from her. "Well, I went to another showing with Tay because she had won special tickets. She had won ringside tickets! Four of them and at the time you were busy, and I knew you were, so I didn't ask. " I paused. I saw the twins in the distance and a smile crept onto my face as Josh saw us and headed our way at a fast pace. 

What he did next surprised me. He went up to Sam cupped her face with his hands and kissed her. I could hear Jonathan wolf whistling, but a grin plastered to his face. Her hands rested on his chest, and she leaned into him as his arms moved to around her waist. They were clearly in a world of their own, not caring who had seen. Once he had pulled away there was grin on his face as well as hers. 

"Uce! Lemme take a picture!" came Jon's voice and both Josh and Sam looked that way. 

"Why?" he asked pulling Sam closer. I saw that his right rested on her ass loosely while his other was at his side slightly. I was pulled away from them when an arm snaked through my waist, and I squealed as my back touched his chest. 

"Joe!" I say smiling and I heard him laugh as he pulled us away from the scene. 

"I want to be alone with you and even though that is a very happy moment for your twin, I bet you anything all she wants right now is to be alone with Joshua." Joe said as he leaned down and started kissing my neck.  He then pulled away just enough to walk me back to his locker room. 

Not before shutting the door in Paul Heyman's face.

Sam's P.o.V

I hear the mistaking whining voice of Paul Heyman behind us and buried my face into Josh's chest to hide my laughter. "What's the matter Mama?" came his question and that made me laugh as I told him. I heard him laugh as he told his twin and all I could hear was his twin leaving. I pulled away noticing that crew members and other wrestlers were moving about. 

"You should probably get ready for tonight's show."  I say intertwining my hand with his. He smiled and gave my hand a squeeze. He knew I was right and guided me to Jimmy's and his's locker room. Once inside we finally had moment of peace and Josh knew it. 

We sat on the couch and talked some more, about random things, about Pongo and how the cute thing was missing me. "I swear Pongo is needy." he pauses and looks at me. "Though I can't the dog I'm needy too. I hella missed you!" he finishes. 

"I missed you too." I say and he smiles saying that I was on his mind constantly. 

"Yea Baby I couldn't stop talking bout ya. Bro was bout ready to fight me if I didn't stop." he says laughing. 

"Lemme guess, your twin?" I asked and he nodded. 

"I did talk to Dad about you. He called me an idiot for not getting your number." he says and I laugh, "I have it now though." We talked for what felt like hours and when the door opened showing Jon we hardly noticed. 

"Uce! " he says and that was when Josh's head turned. "Come on it's the main event. Bloodline promo." 

"Aright alright Uce." Josh said before turning his attention back to me "Wait here for me? Maybe afterwards we go do something?"

"That's a good idea I'll stay here and watch from the tv. Maybe think of a place to eat afterwards while you're out there." I said and he smiled saying he loved that plan. He gave me a kiss to my cheek and left the locker room with Jon in tow. 

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