Chapter 11

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I think brady was second guessing telling me what he just did because he started to walk out of my room... "Brady.." he turned around to look at me "don't leave me right now" he sighed "let me get my backpack from zach's room I'll be right back" "okay"

He walks back into my room "do you care if I change quick" I turned to face him "go ahead" I turned to my side so I wasn't looking at him which reminded me that I'm in a corset top and jeans and I'm not sleeping in this. "I'm done" I turned to look at him.. his hair was messy, he was wearing a baggy soccer club shirt and grey sweats. "Can I change too?" He laughed at me "why would you ask me it's your room" "cause I don't want to get up" popping the p. "Fine.. here" he took his shirt off and handed it to me, he turned around and I took off my corset top and forgot I had boob tape on "You've got to be kidding me" I ripped the pieces off "SHIT" "what? What's wrong?" He didn't turn to look at me "boob tape it hurts" we both laughed. I put his shirt on and realized I didn't have shorts to put on "heyy Brady..." he sighed "yes?" "Can you get me shorts from my closet please?" "Yep" he walked over and was looking through my shorts "why do you have eggplant boxers?!" Oop forgot about those... "ooo give me them they are so comfy" he throws them at me and still hasn't turned around. I take my jeans off and slid them on "you dressed now?" "Yes sir" he turned around and he laid besides me

"Goodnight devil spawn" he laughed "goodnight cass"


I woke up around 930 ish and Brady was still here... omg I did I hookup with him?? I can remember anything from last night... I walk into my bathroom trying to not wake up Brady. I look in my mirror I have his shirt on Oh no. What did I do... I took off my shorts and shirt and hopped into the shower.

After the shower I got out of the bathroom and he was still sleeping... I got changed into sweatpants and I put his shirt back on because it was so comfortable. I walked down stairs and I see zach and Connor cleaning "hey guys" Connor sees my shirt and gets big eyed "uh hey" "hey Cass, you okay after last night?" I hear zach say to me "yeah but I don't remember much" they both sighed "I remember Kaden getting here and me and him went upstairs and talked and then we.. and then we..." I just remembered what happened and I started to cry "cass it's ok me and Brady took care of it" I hear zach say "but Brady was with me last night.." he sighed "yeah after you fell asleep he came downstairs and we drove to kadens house... he's not coming near you anymore" I sighed in relief "but then why is he in my room right now" "when we came back we told everyone to get out and me and Connor stayed down hear for a little and Brady went right upstairs" "oh okay..." Connor looked at me "here take this and eat this" it was ibuprofen and some orange juice with toast and fruit " thank Connor" "of course... you know he cares right?" Zach and Connor were both staring at me now "what? What do you mean" "he's always cared. When he found out you liked him, he asked me if it was okay if he could talk to you and- and I said no" zach told me "so when he said those things to you it was because I told him to so you wouldn't still think at some point he would like you" zach sighed "I don't know whether to be angry or really angry at you... I thought I wasn't good enough for him... I thought I was too big and- and I got and eating disorder because of that and it's because you told him to say those things to me?" I stated to tear up " Cass I didn't think this would happen I'm sorry..." "SORRY DOESNT CUT IT..." I need to get out of here "wanna go on a walk" I whipped my head towards Brady, I didn't realize he was there. "Yeah I do"


Hope you like this chapter...
Also would you be mad at zach or understand where he was coming from?

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