Chapter 7

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Thank go school is over but I have practice. I go to the locker room and get changed. I head out to the field and start to stretch

" I don't think you should be with him" I hear Callie tell me "excuse me?" "Kaden... he did the exact thing to me during the summer, hung out with me for the day, posted me on his instagram, we hung out at my house, we- we did it, and he removed me from his instagram and ghosted me... so I'm saying I wouldn't date him if I were you" and Callie walked away and didn't talk to me for the rest of practice... weird

After practice I get a text from Kaden "hey we still good for today?" Uhhh i don't know what to do... "sure come around 5" I sighed "what's up" "opal I don't know what to do. Callie told me this big story of what he did to her over the summer and he's doing the same things to me now. But I really like him and he's coming over today" opal gave me a concerned look "1 eat your sandwich and 2 if he's like that then he's not right for you, you will know I promise and I'll always be here for you. You know that." I felt better about it now "okay"

I get home and run into the shower since it's already 4 30. I get out and change into shorts and a baggy sweatshirt. I hear the door bell ring and I run downstairs. I'm walking past the living room and I see the twins and Zach playing 2k or whatever it's called "whose here" "zach it's nobody go back to your game" "hey devil spawn, hey Connor" "hey" they both say in unison.

I open the door and there he is. "Hey" Kaden said quietly "hey come in" he walks in and I close the door behind him "so what should we do" I sighed "maybe we could go to my room and watch a movie?" "I'm down" as we walk past the living room I hear someone say "keep the door open" I rolled my eyes

We get to my room and I'm glad I cleaned it because usually it's a dumpster fire. I sit on my bed and he follows "what should we watch?" "You like romance?" Uhhh yes "yeah I have a good one" I turned on my tv and played flipped my all time favorite romance movie. I get comfortable and I see him take off his shirt. Omg he's so sexy, "sorry I was a little hot" "you're good" he gets comfortable and we watch the movie, overtime I fall asleep laying on him.

I woke up to him shifting "sorry I didn't want to wake you.." "you're good what time is it? "729 I need to get home" "oh okay I'll walk you out"

We walk downstairs and I see the twins and zach are still there. "Bye Kaden" "see ya" the next thing I knew is his lips were on mine and he walks out "bye" I said blushing.

The door closes and I walk to the living room. I sit down next to zach and Connor "did you eat?" "No didn't have time to" I could see the look on zach's face after Connor said that "you know. I'm kinda hungry who wants pizza?" I look at Brady when he said that does he know?!? Did Connor tell him?? I do but I shouldn't I need to stay in shape for hockey. Connor and Zach agree "I'll call" Brady stated "just plain cheese right?" I could tell he was talking to me because I don't like the toppings "uh yeah.." "ok"

He knows...


Hope you like this chapter
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