Chapter 29: Just Tension

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That IG live in Korea earned some enthusiastic tweets from shippers who couldn't help commenting how Ohm purposefully covered more than half of the camera to hide Nanon's bare legs when someone on the staff told the singer that his shorts were too revealing. Mark Pakin was practically forgotten as the actors' moves through Seoul were closely followed and recorded by devoted Korean fans.

"Put on some pants next time, will you?" A concerned Ohm told the singer when they were on their way to the rehearsal location. The older's carelessness made the singer huff. That very sentence quickly undid the frail peaceful and bubbly aura surrounding them. Nanon was not the type to mind antis' blabbering, but his boyfriend's comment did made him remember of what a hater wrote about him once, 'Nanon talks too much and barely lets Ohm express himself, he wants the camera all to himself, as well as all the other guys in GMMTV. I swear he's just an attention whore who keeps trying to break up other CPs. Why is he always hugging, kissing and touching P'Tay and P'New? Couldn't P'Ohm be paired with a decent guy like P'Chimon? Why does P'Ohm have to put up with Nanon's filthy ways? Can't anyone see that he's just taking advantage of Ohm's fame to expand his fanbase? Can't P'Mark control his bitch already? What's next? Will Nanon wear slutty clothes just to seduce more of his Phis? I bet he only wears those loose outfits in public just to make people believe he's not a tramp!'

Nanon really thought he had erased that comment from his mind. He had read that shit a long time ago, right after the filming of the BBS series wrapped up. He believed himself to be totally straight at the time, and that idea of him not being 'decent' enough for his co-worker and friend just made him laugh. He was always amused by how wild fans and anti-fans' imagination could run. Although he expected those kind of responses once he entered the BL universe, he was often surprised by how random people were able to create a whole version of the real life in their heads and discuss fictional facts as if they were true, in a thoroughly absurd way. Back then those comments were discarded, and they didn't affect him. Back then, Mark was still his friend, Ohm was one of his best friends, and he was in a better place. He hadn't been in so many dark places at the time, and he felt safe with the people around him. That Nanon was gone. That ignorance of his was shattered, so much that some behaviors and comments which meant nothing to him in the past, could quickly become triggers.

"Are you telling me what to wear now, Pawat? For real?" Nanon gave him a disapproving stare, and the older one just inhaled in response. "Just because we're together, it doesn't mean that you get to tell me what to do. Wearing shorts is not a big deal. It's not like I was cyber flashing during that live." The singer added, lowering his voice, so their driver, P'Kwang and the rest of the crew inside that van wouldn't listen to their conversation. Nanon once again sounded harsher than he intended to. And a new wave of stress reminded him of all the things he hated at that moment. He needed to sleep badly, his mother kept texting him to ask if he was alright, he knew he wouldn't be able to finish his college paper during that trip, Chimon wasn't picking up his calls, and Ohm was often texting Perth. And to add insult to injury, the fact that he still didn't get to have some real time alone with his boyfriend made him extremely cranky.

"That's not what I'm trying to do." Ohm just gave him a frustrated look. "Non, you do know how people can be vicious and gratuitously offensive. I don't wanna see haters making comments about your body on social media. I'm your boyfriend, and I care for you. You would behave the same way if you were in my shoes, wouldn't you?" He added with a sincere look. Nanon knew then that he meant what he said. Ohm wasn't being possessive of him, or criticizing his outfit, he was just looking after his feelings.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I guess I was just jumping to conclusions. I slept only for 10 minutes on the plane, and I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep tonight. I know I have to, because I don't wanna look like shit at our first Fanmeeting in this country, but this insomnia is really ruining this trip for me." The singer complained, as he ran a hand through his silky hair and decided to find another seat for himself. He wanted to get rid of that sudden foul mood, and he needed to do that straight away, before he took his frustration out on his boyfriend. However, as soon as he stood up from his seat, Ohm held his wrist before he could move an inch away from him.

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