When I sent the letter off I regretted it. I told Kyle I wouldn't do that again. But what does he expect me to do? I'm terrified of Dean.

I sat down on the bed. I googled The Rothchild and Barlowe family. It's weird because those are not Dean and Kyle's surnames.

I gasped at what I saw. The families are a multinational conglomerate of crimes and intimidation. They have their hand in everything. Their recent project which is headed up by the oldest son of the Rothchilds' is an oil acquisition. The oldest son is ruthless in his pursuit of the oil companies. He has pissed off several clients in the middle east. I pulled up a picture of their eldest son. I gasped and dropped my phone. Tears rushed to my eyes. I picked the phone back up. It was Dean. He's pictured at several meetings in the Middle East. He looks so serious and .... mean. The anger is barely contained in the pictures. They have several key projects. Investments, Casinos, which are Dean's company by himself. The next acquisition they have is politics. It's rumored that the Barlowe's have a hand in elections. They are rumored to be a cult playing at being lobbyists. I clicked on the picture because I wanted to see who head of the politics department was. Kyle.

All that talk about the senator election came back to me.

"Kyle no. Please no." They are criminals and manipulators. Have they been manipulating me? Was anything real.

I started dialing. I couldn't see the phone due to my eyes pooling up with copious amounts of tears.

"Kyle, how could you? Are you the leader of your family's acquisitions and Dean is the leader of his family's acquisitions. You manipulate and terrorize people to get them to do what you want. Have you been manipulating me?"

"Danny, that is all speculation."

"But is that what you do?"

He paused. "No, it's not. They are trying to come after my family with that bullshit. We are simply investors. You know us, Danny."

But I don't think I do. I'm so torn up inside. I finally found out who they are and who their parents are, and I wish I didn't.

"Kyle, I'm sorry. I have to go."

"Are you trying to leave, Danny?"

I stared at the phone in shock. I can't believe he's taking a threatening tone with me. He never does that.

"Kyle, what..."

"I won't let you. If you try to leave, we will grab you. Kunal isn't the only one with hired guns. You're gonna stay there until we come there and kill everybody in that motherfucker and get you!!!"

I gasped and hung up.

I called for the maid and wrote another letter for my benefactor. I need to leave here, now.

Minutes later Kunal came in from work. He saw my face and ran to me. He wiped my tears and looked into my face.

I looked up at him with a tear-streaked face. "Did you know who they were, Kunal? I mean really are.

"Of course, Danny. Everyone knows."

His answer made me feel stupid. I had no idea. How could I have not known.

"You didn't know."

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry." He stated.

I nodded. I laid my head on his shoulders. I felt so disconnected. Everything is falling apart and I'm afraid all the time. I'm afraid of Kyle now. He hasn't ever used that tone with me. He has with other people, but not me. It's so like them to try and control my life when theirs are not perfect at all. I doubt Dean hasn't had sex with anyone else since I've been gone. I doubt Kyle has told the world that he's gay.

But the main emotion I feel right now is tiredness. I'm sick of it all. I'm sick of being scared. I'm sick of being doubtful. I'm sick of being lonely. Why can't I get it together?

I will though, starting with this.

I leaned up and kissed Kunal. He was surprised for a second, but he soon took over the kiss. He was soft and gentle. He started kissing my cheek then my neck. He started back kissing me then unbuttoned my shirt. His other hand was on my thigh, inching up toward my shorts. Flashes of Dean and me penetrated my brain. Memories of us having sex, smiling and play fighting on the couch. Him letting me win at wrestling. He said he loved when I pinned him down.

"Kunal, wait."

"No Danny. Please. Let me have this. Michelle would have wanted this for us." I remained silent. He started back kissing me. He laid me back and kissed his way down my body. I sighed. I closed my eyes and rode the pleasure wave...

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