Chapter 15

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Danny Pov

I remained silent. On the ground not moving. I crawled behind the couch to hide. I got moving when I heard Michelle scream. I picked up a candlestick and headed back down the hall. The sight that greeted me frightened me to my very core.

I wanted to run away.

Kyle had Michelle by her neck against the wall. Her feet were dangling, and she was crying, screaming and kicking her legs.

Dean was fighting Dennis and his two friends. He was ramming their heads into his knees. He was punching and head butting. He rammed his forehead into one of their noses.

One of them managed to get a punch off. Dean's head snapped back.

Then he removed his gun and started pistol whipping them. He whipped them until they were laying still and bloody on the ground.

I just stood there. Frozen. He walked over to Michelle. He grabbed her hair and slung her to the ground. He cocked his gun and pointed it at her head.

I rushed over and fell on her. "Please no, Dean, please!"

He looked down at me. "You lied to me. You FUCKING LIED!"

"I'm sorry!"

Kyle pulled me off her. He looked down in my face with tears in his eyes. "Danny baby, what's going on? Why did you do this to us?" He gently rubbed my face. "I'm sorry, Kyle." I ugly cried as I wiped my snot. "I don't know what came over me. Dean is getting married then you will soon after, you're going to leave me."

I sniffed hard and wiped my nose again.

"You silly, silly girl. We would never leave you. You don't leave someone you love and Danny baby. I love you more than anyone in the whole world." More tears fell from his eyes.

I cried harder. "I'm sorry Kyle. I'll never do this again. I'm so sorry." I turned to Dean. "I'm sorry."

Dean leaned down and grabbed Michelle's hair. He raised her head up and put his gun under her chin.

"If you ever come near her again, I'll kill you." She remained silent but started crying harder, shoulders shaking. Over this whole period of time, she has come to several revelations. For one. She sees why I'm afraid all the time.

"Let's go." Dean grabs my arm and leads me to his truck. He opened the door for me, and I got in. Kyle got in next to me. We were all in the front seat.

I held my head down in shame. I really hurt Kyle. I hurt Dean. I was not surprised when they didn't take me home.

When we made it to their house we all went to Dean's room.

Dean striped me out of my clothes. Leaving me in my t-shirt and panties. When Kyle laid down, I put my head on his chest. Dean came in behind me and held me. They held me harder when my body was racked with sobs moments later. They both were angry with me, I could tell. I'm surprised Dean isn't hurting me. I cried myself to sleep.


3 months later

I was driving away from school when my phone rang. School has become a place of entrapment. I'm not allowed to talk to Michelle. She has apologized many times over and wants to be in my life. But the men in my life won't let her. We've been arguing over it for months and months. Kyle freaks out whenever I voice an opinion. He thinks he's losing his sweet girl. That night when they didn't do anything to me for disobeying them and going over Michelle's house, I thought I was sky free. The next morning Dean beat me with a belt, a paddle, a whip and his hands. He controls my life harder than ever.

It's getting harder and harder to talk to Kunal. He's pressing me for a date. He says we've been talking for months now and should have at least gone on a date, and I agree. I just don't know how I'm going to do it. I'm running out of excuses.

I picked the phone up. "Why aren't you at school? Where are you going?"

"I just can't be at school right now, Dean. I need some time. I need some space to focus."

"You need to be focusing on my graduation party."

"I will, everything will be perfect. I promise."

"Mm." I heard girls in the background. We never talk about that day in the bathroom. I was hoping it was a turning point for us, but it wasn't. I'm still in the friend zone. But to be honest, I don't want to be in a relationship with him. I'm sure he'll be 10 times worse than how he is now. I can't help how I feel. I'm scared to even have this conversation with him. What would I even say? Can I be your woman? Or why haven't you made a move. I just don't know what to say. I know he has women, but they don't mean anything to him because he never keeps them around.

"Who is that? Are you even at school?"

"Since when do you question me?" I blew out a breath at the hypocrisy.

"Goodbye Dean." I hung up the phone.

I called Kunal.

I smiled when he picked up. It's such a breeze talking to him.

"Are you ditching class?"

I breathed out. "Yes, I am, it's such a chore these days."

"Anything I can help with."

I cleared my throat. "Actually, that's why I'm calling. I wanted to know if you possibly wanted to go-go out with me."

He breathed heavily for several seconds. "Yes," he breathed out. "I would love that very much."

"Oh ok, how about Friday. Dinner?"

"Ok, fine with me."

"Can we meet there though."

"Sure, you wanna meet me at 7 at the Italian restaurant on Bank Street. ."

"Ok, see ya then." 

A/N Sorry for any grammatical errors. 

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