Chapter 11

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Danny Pov

"Ready to start this wu-kum and slap on the ca-cu-kum," I said and giggled at Kyle.

"Danny baby, I'm going to turn you into a miniature Kyle yet."

I shivered. "The horror and the debauchery."

He laughed. "Let's go."

"I need to go home and get clothes, Kyle."

"Already taken care of. I ordered everything you'll need and had it shipped. I also told everyone to bring their Christmas pajamas. I also ordered you another bathing suit." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I shivered, remembering the last time I wore a bathing suit.

"Don't worry, Danny baby. I got you the most boring one piece that I could find.

"Well, I don't want to get drunk or swim. I just want to relax in the jacuzzi and stare out over the stars in the night sky."

"Boring, but ok. As long as you're there with me, I'm good."

"Have you talked to David?"

He blew out a breath. "He's still upset that I haven't gone public yet. He just doesn't understand when I try to tell him about my family. If they would only disown me that would be fine. But my family won't just disown me, they would bring David's family to the poor house and drop them off there. I've seen them do it to a family before. The family committed suicide. My family is an evil fucking cult."

I shivered. "Am I safe from them?"

"Yea as long as neither one of us start dating you."

I shivered again.

"Don't worry about it, we don't date, so you're fine. I need to go to the liquor store. Now chauffeur me around in this expensive ass car we bought you."

I rolled my eyes and drove towards the store.


"I don't want you drinking tonight. I'm going to kick Kyle's ass if he even tries to hand you something." Dean was unpacking my clothes and putting them in his dresser.

I nodded. I decided to test a scenario. "Um Dean. This guy at school wants to go out on a date with me and I-I want to go. What do you think? I have to date at some point, right?" I let out a nervous laugh.

Before I could finish the laugh, I gasped as I was choke slammed on his bed. He was squeezing my neck tight. He was choking me to death. His hold was tight and was getting tighter.

I looked into his raging face. The vein on his forehead was bulging and pulsing. I tried to grab and move his hand from around my throat. "Ok, ok," I gurgled out. I started gripping the bed sheets, climbing up the bed to get away. I started seeing white spots. My body deflated, losing all the fight.

When he lets go. I rolled off the bed and fell on the floor coughing and sucking in copious amounts of air. His shoes come into my vision. He squatted down. He pulled my head up by my chin. I cough a little more.

"I don't like what I'm seeing. You wanna go out and be a whore. Is that what you're telling me?"

"No, I..I..I want a boyfriend. Please, you, you have someone. You date all the time."

My head turned to the side from the smack to my face. "You won't have anyone but us." He stood up and walked to the door.

"Don't come out of this room. We don't want you getting tempted."

I got up on his bed and cried. I rubbed the pain from my neck and face. Why does he do this to me? Kyle never hurts me psychically. I won't sit here and deal with this. I wiped my tears and got off the bed. I went towards the window and opened it. I slung my leg over the ledge.

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