Chapter 1

306 11 7

Danny Pov

"Bye grandpa, I'm gone." I raced from the house. I will be late. I hate being late for the first day of school. If my schedule is wrong it will take me all morning to fix it, thus making me the late girl to class. I can't wait until my senior year is over. I'm so ready for college. Since grandpa is on a fixed income I'm counting on my grades and ACT scores to get me a free ride out of this city. I want to go away, become rich and just take care of my grandpa. After nana died it's just me and him. I never knew my mom. My dad raised me until he was killed in the line of duty. Then my grandparents took me in. After my grandmother died, I went through a depression. School and socializing was really difficult for me during that time. I somehow became the weirdo. Most people don't lose a parent while they are children, let alone two parents and a grandparent. The deaths somehow chipped away at me over time. I became withdrawn, shy and always unsure of my decision because I have no positive way of knowing if I am doing something right. Grandpa tries to help but he's still mourning grandma.

When I made it to school, I could already tell that this year will not start off good. On my way to the auditorium, I ran smack dab into someone's back. I dropped my books and some of theirs. "Oh, my goodness. I'm so sorry." I bent to pick up their books and mine. Tears gathered in my eyes. I already know whoever I bumped into is going to be mean.

I never looked into their faces but by the looks of their shoes it's a group of guys.

"Watch where the fuck you're going."

I nodded. I gathered up the books and handed them to the guy I ran into. I never looked at him or the other person who spoke.

"I'm sorry." My breath hitched as I ran off. I went inside the office and got my schedule. Thankfully I know all the teachers. I had most of them my 11th grade year. I walked towards my first class with my head down. I try to remain invisible but it's hard to do when you're 5'8. I'm like the tallest girl in this school. I'm in shape thanks to me having to walk everywhere I go and the boxes I lift at my after-school job. I work at the local hardware store.

I quickly went inside my first class and sat down. Oh, how I would like to join the conversations that's going on around me. I'm just so unsure of myself. I want a friend, a confidant. No one bullies me per se but they are not welcoming either. My first year here was last year during my grieving period and anyone that tried to say anything to me received a blank stare. After a while they gave up. This is high school, it's not hard to find a click. Even the nerds have clicks. I just don't know where I fit in. I've never known. When my dad was alive, I moved around so much that I never really got to know anyone. That was the only drawback to being an army brat. Now I don't know how to start a conversation with people my own age.

I had one more class after lunch then I was leaving. Thanks to my smarts, I only have three classes a day. On Wednesdays and Fridays, I only have two classes.

When my last class ended, I was so happy. I was walking towards the school's parking lot when I heard a voice behind me.

"Well hello there, miss walking while dangerous. My back still hurts from you running into it." I stopped and turned around. "I'm really sorry, it's the first day of school and I was running behind." He held up his hand. "Water under the bridge. I apologize about my friend. He has no manners."

I smiled. "Thank you."

He smiled back and held out his hand. "I'm Kyle."

I shake his hand. "Danny."

"Are you excited about graduating, Danny?"

"Yes." I held my books tighter in my hands against my chest. Why is this so difficult for me? Say something Danny. I cursed myself.

"Do um, do you have an after-school job?"

He smiled. "No, do you?"

"Yes, I work at the local hardware store."

"Cool, I'll have to come by and loiter sometime. Do you have any plans after graduation?"

"Yes, I'm moving away for college."

"Why not the local university."

"I'm an army brat. I need to move." I smile to myself. This conversation is going well I think to myself.

He laughs. "I don't blame you on that one. Hey, can I have your number? I could call you and we could chat and hang out."

"Um, yeah, sure." I gave him my number. "Ok. I have to go but I will holla at cha later."

I nodded and smiled. I watched him walk away to his friends. One looked back at me and smirked. I turned and walked away. What started off as a bad day ended well. I made a new friend. He wasn't here last year so I'm guessing it's his first year at this school. I scoffed. It's his first year and he already has more friends than me.

I smiled. He's cute too. He's tall and lanky. His black hair is cut low around the sides and longer at the top. Some of his hair lay on his forehead.

I make my way home. I wanted to take a nap before I had to go to work this evening. "Hey paw paw," I said as I walked into the house.

"Hey sweetheart. I made you some cookies. Why are you home so early."

"I only need like 6 credits to graduate so I don't have to go full time."

"That's my smart cookie." I smiled as he kissed my forehead. "I'll take some cookies to work. I'm going to take a nap."

"Ok sweetie."

I went up to my room and laid down on my bed. For a brief moment I think about the friend that I made then set an alarm and fell asleep.

A/N: Hey guys, I'm back with another story. But this time I'm updating 3 at a time. I might update more some weeks and less in others. But it will be constant. 

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