Chapter 22

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Danny Pov

He ran to me and hugged me. "Oh, thank god I found you."

"What do you mean?"

"One of my cousins knows one of the men that attacked you. He didn't think anything of it until they mentioned your name. When he told me I had to save you. Are you ok, where have you been, Danny. I've been looking all over for you. You just up and disappeared."

I started to cry at his reprimanding. "I'm sorry, Kunal. I'm sorry about everything, especially Michelle. I couldn't protect her. I don't know what happened. I...I"

"Hey, shhh, shh. That wasn't your fault, Danny. It was Dean's fault."

I wiped my tears and looked at him. "You don't blame me?"

"How could I? You're the sweetest person I've ever met. I know you wouldn't have a hand in anything like that."

"No.. I..I.. still would like your forgiveness, please. I swear. I tried to save her."

"Shh, shh. You're forgiven. Never think of it again."

"Ok." I sniffed.

He turned to the older lady. "Don't worry about calling the police." After the woman nodded and left he turned to me. "I will get my men over there and see what they can find. I can help you, Danny."


"Come, let's go. You can come with me."

"I need to call my grandfather."

"You can do that from my car with my cell. Come on."

He was basically pulling me, so I just went with him. This is Michelle's brother. He must be devastated by her passing. I don't want to complicate it further. He has been through enough.

When we got into the car, I used his phone to call my grandfather. I dare not call Kyle. He will flip. My grandfather wanted me to come home, but I told him that I would stay with Kunal for a while since we were both grieving. He needs me. Michelle was his only sibling. I know he loved her unconditionally and she didn't deserve to be brutally murdered. A hard question that I have been asking myself is, if Dean in fact didn't kill her then who did. I'm just afraid to go back to that right now. I know he will make good on his promise. I'm trying to avoid that. Plus, I don't trust him right now. Right before Kyle's phone disconnected yesterday, I heard the voice of a demon. I pray that wasn't Dean's voice. Maybe this isn't such a good idea. If Dean finds out that I am with Kunal, he will flip.

"Kunal, my grandfather seems pretty shaken up. Maybe I should go home."

He paused. "If that is what you wish. But everyone knows where your grandfather lives. How safe are you there with him? My men and I can protect you."

I shivered. He has a point. Dean, Kyle and possibly whoever broke into my villa can find me there and I'll be putting my grandfather at risk. Since I didn't tell him what happened specifically, he doesn't know what all happened.

"Are you sure it's ok with your parents?"

He chuckled. "Danny, I'm an adult. I have my own house." I fidget uncomfortable.

"Danny, I have several rooms. Choose whichever one you like. After all, it's only temporary until we find out what's going on and it's safe for you to return to your grandfather. Do you have any idea why armed men would want to harm you."

Tears rushed to my eyes. Because I could think of only one person who would want to harm me. But there's no way. If he wanted to deal with me, he would come himself. He wouldn't send anyone. I know that for sure. But I could be wrong. I've been wrong before about the men in my life. I don't even know who they are. Not really.

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