Chapter 9

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Danny Pov

I looked back and forth between him and David. "What were you two doing, why were you kissing."

"She's so damn naive." David bent down and helped me up.

"Danny, we're gay. Well I am. Kyle is bisexual."

"What!" I looked at Kyle. He seemed embarrassed.

"Kyle, I thought I was your friend. Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"Because he's ashamed of his sexuality and scared of his fucking family."

Kyle turns to David. "Go back to the party. I need to talk to Danny."

I felt so heartbroken. I thought he was my friend. Tears came to my eyes.

"I know what you're thinking. This has nothing to do with you. This is something that I need to wrap my head around."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't know how you would feel or if I could trust you with this. Like I said. This has been hard for me. I'm struggling with this new me and David is losing patience. But for now I need you not to say anything. I do trust you but I still didn't want to tell anyone because I'm ashamed."

I grabbed his hand. "You have nothing to be ashamed about Kyle."

"That's because you don't know my family that well. They don't like gays, poor people, minorities and all that stupid shit."

"But I'm black."

"But you don't look it. Dean and I have both had this conversation. We want you in our lives so our parents will have to deal, but me being gay. They won't accept that. They will ruin David and his family and send me away."

"What should we do? I don't want them sending you away Kyle."

"That's why you have to remain silent. Don't tell Dean either. He's a stickler for rules. He's the perfect grooming machine. You have no idea who my family is yet but trust me when I say I'm the black sheep and I will be sent away for being different. Or worse David would be hurt."

"I won't say anything Kyle. I promise." I hugged him.

He looked down in my face and rubbed my chin. "What will I do without you?"

"You'll never have to find out. Hey if you need me to act as your girlfriend to trick your family I will. Just say the word."

He chuckled. "Are you really ok with this?"

"I really am Kyle." This actually makes a lot of sense. The drunken nights. The hopeless mumbling.

"You need to keep your activities to private places."

"I agree," he chuckled.

When we made it back to the party David was there looking nervous. I grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I hissed in pain. "What the fuck." Kyle turned my face to get a good look at my jaw. "It's nothing. I was in the woods and scraped it against a tree."

He smiled. "Guess what."


"It's 10 seconds until your birthday. 10, 9, 8, 7,." Everyone started to join in. When they made it to 1 I received a loud HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!.

I smiled and accepted another beer. I didn't see Dean for the rest of the night. I partied with Kyle, David and all their friends. I was picked up and twirled so many times. We took shots. By the end of the night. I crawled into Kyle's sleepy bag with him and fell asleep.


The weekend was perfect, minus a few hiccups. Dean remained silent and brooding but the rest of us had so much fun. Dean dropped everyone off. When he started heading towards his house I spoke up. "Dean, I'm going home. Why are we headed towards your house?"

I'm so scared to speak to him. This comes from a place of desperation. I want to go home and forget I ever knew a guy named Dean. This was my birthday weekend. He couldn't set aside whatever feelings he had and let me enjoy myself. He wasn't supportive at all. I love him and I will forgive him, but right now I don't want to be near him.

"Danny baby, please be quiet," Kyle says. He's leaning against the door with sunglasses on. His whole face is red. He got drunk and let everyone talk him into eating some kind of berry that he's allergic to. Thank god he foresaw that and brought his epipen. But his face is still blotchy and red. When we got to their house, Kyle stumbled to the door and disappeared inside. I wanted to laugh. I bet he wouldn't do that again.

I screeched when Dean grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me from the truck. "Dean please. Stop it. I'll leave and you won't see me again." The only explanation I could come up with for his behavior is that Dean is tired of me. I'm too vocal. Too talkative. I'm too whatever and he doesn't want to be my friend anymore.

I tried to fix our relationship but it seems I only made him more upset with the words that I was saying.

He dragged me up the stairs to his room. One by one he secured my limbs to the bed with handcuffs.

"You're going to stay here until you promise me that you're going to the university. The local one."

"Dean please. I can explain. I promised my dad that I would go to the university that he picked out for me when I was 14-years-old."

"That was before he died. Your father would want you around friends and loved ones now that he's gone. But in any case, you're not leaving here until you promise."

"Dean please. What about school, my grandfather, please, don't make him worry." I pulled on the restraints.

"I'll call the school and your grandfather."

"Why is it so important to you that I go to the local university? Talk to me please."

He says nothing. He turned and walked away. He has taken this to a new level. What if his aunt or uncle comes in here when they hear my screams.

"Ok, you win," but even to my ears that sounded like a lie. Why would he handcuff me? I just don't understand. I wiggled and moved. But it seems the cuffs only grew tighter. He left me for hours. Where the hell was Kyle. I felt all kinds of emotions. Anger, fear, sadness, hopelessness. Why should I give him my promise to stay? He doesn't deserve it. What about me and what I want? This is important to me. Can't he see that.

I can't be locked in here forever. What would grandpa think? What if he thinks I just up and ran away, like my mother did. The fact that my mom did that to my father hurt my grandpa deeply. What kind of mother would birth their child then hand it over and leave. I started to panic. He's the only family I have left. So why would I leave him and go to college miles and miles away. What the hell am I chasing? Why would I leave grandpa in the first place? Am I like my mother? Do I have a wandering spirit? I doubt that. I hated it when we moved from one military base to the next. Even though they were beautiful I wanted my father to just pick one and stay. I was tired of moving from base to base. My father and I often argued about it. As soon as I made a friend we'd move again. My grandparents begged my father repeatedly to send me to them. He refused every time.

Hours later when Dean opened the door. I only said. "I'll stay. I promise." 

A/N: Sorry for any mistakes. I'm dead on my feet with exhaustion. For those of you that's been asking to purchase certain books. Please give me time. All 3 books are not finished yet. I still have at least 3 more chapters to write for each one. I don't want to rush to finish them. I want the ending to epic for you. My hours at work have extended as well due to some new government laws. I work for the federal government and it's hard and demanding sometimes so writing is an outlet for me. But I promise, I will get them finish soon and let you guys know when so you can purchase. Not everyone wants to read as I update, and I get it. 

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