Chapter 20

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Kunal walked around her sniveling form. "I'm the one who kept dad off your ass, and this is how you repay me. I told you to make her come to me!"

"I did. I talked about you every day to her."

But he could tell that she's lying. "Kunal, just leave her alone. She's my friend and I don't want to see her hurt."

He slapped her across the face. "We just went out on a date. She wants me as well. She told me so. I must say, I love her subservient nature. She's meek. She would do everything I tell her with a smile."

He leaned down into his sister's face. "Those two motherfuckers are about to get what's coming to them. But I need your help."

"No, Kunal. I won't hurt Danny."

He slapped her again.

"Urgh." She grabbed her face and looked up at him.

"You will do what the fuck I say. Danny belongs to me. I'm getting a plan together. In the meantime, if you want to keep enjoying your freedom you'll do as I say. For now, just keep talking me up to her. I want her in my arms before the year is out."

Michelle shivered. "Kunal, please rethink this. They love her. They went crazy when she was at the house."

He tuned her out. He yearns for Danny. He talked on the phone with her for months. Dean and Kyle trained her well. She's good at reacting to the changes in a person's voice. She reacted when he was getting frustrated with her unwillingness to meet him. She'd always soothe him, even at the risk of her own happiness. He loved it. He wanted it.


Danny Pov

It's Sunday afternoon. Kyle and I are lounging around on the couch. I'm watching tv as he goes through my phone. He's so protective of me it's stifling sometimes. "Do you want more ice-cream," he asked me as he headed to the kitchen, watching a tik tok on my phone. I patted my belly. "No. I ate like a pig. I'm stuffed."

When Kyle came back to the couch, he searched for another movie to watch. I didn't want to watch tv anymore, so I pulled out a magazine to search for more furniture. I have most of the downstairs decorated, now I just need to look for furniture for the extra bedrooms upstairs. Speaking of bedrooms. My mind wandered to the place that it's been wandering to for days since that night. Kyle laid his head on my thigh. I absentmindedly rubbed my fingers through his hair as I read the magazine. Dean and I finally had sex. It was glorious. It was everything I knew it would be. I'm a little nervous because he hasn't tried it again since that night. He was so sensitive to my pain and needs, but strong and firm with his thrust. I closed my eyes and bit my lip while thinking about that night.

"Ow Danny, what the hell." Kyle raised his head from my lap when I grabbed a fist full of his hair.

"Oh sorry."

He watched me closely in fear as he timidly laid his head back on my lap. I laughed.

My thoughts were still wandering as I looked through the magazine and stroked Kyle's hair. Seconds later the door opened. Dean entered the living room.

He fist bumped Kyle then looked at me. He slowly leaned down without breaking my stare and placed a kiss on the side of my lips. I shivered.

"I don't know what your problem is, but if you don't want me on your lap just say that." Kyle's voice snapped me out of my brain fog.

I looked at him.

"I have never been more assaulted in my life," stated Kyle.

I blushed. I shivered hard when Dean kissed me. Dean chuckled. I would like to speak with him about us. I haven't really left his house since that night. I go to school and come right back. He won't let me go home, he said he wants me here for now, but I still don't know what that means for us. Him making me stay with them is nothing new.

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