11 || ginny weasley

Start from the beginning

She pushes through the crowd and makes her way to Harry.

"Harry! I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Yeah it's... it's a great turnout this year, Ginny. I can't wait to see who you'll choose," Harry smiles. He really has nothing against Ginny, it's just an uncomfortable situation.

He should probably break up with her.

"Actually, Harry, despite... you know, being able to hang out with you, I may have had ulterior motives for inviting you. I would love for you to be our team's consultant this year. Maybe you can give me some advice for the best ones to choose? For seeker, especially. It won't be the same without you." Ginny watched him hopefully.

To Harry, it was a no-brainer. "Of course I'll help, Ginny. I love Quidditch. And there is no way we'll let Slytherin beat us in the first year back after the war."

Ginny smiled in response. "Thank you, Harry!" She flung her arms around him, and he barely had time to awkwardly pat her back in response before she released him and jogged back to the crowd of potential players.

Harry scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. She didn't really tell him where she wanted him. He supposed the benches on the sidelines would have to do. He had hardly sat down when he felt a rush of air next to him and turned to see Luna Lovegood seating herself right next to him.

"Luna! Er- what are you doing here?" Harry said, mildly confused.

Luna turned to him with a smile. "Harry! Well, I felt I had no better use of my time. The nargles aren't as present on the Quidditch pitch, anyway. Much better energy, here." Her musical voice washed over him, and she turned back towards the action happening on the pitch. Ginny was obviously giving instructions, splitting people up into some sort of groups.

"You know, Harry, when people are in love, their auras reflect each other," Luna said, breaking the silence a couple moments later.

Harry glanced at her. "Oh. That's... interesting."

"Would you say you love her, Harry?"

Luna's silvery eyes were trained on him as he glanced at her in surprise. "Erm- well. I suppose I do. She is... my girlfriend, after all." Harry laughed self-consciously.

"Interesting. Maybe your auras aren't quite there yet, then." Luna's voice stayed light and airy, but Harry couldn't shake the feeling that she meant more than what she said out loud. He looked down at his feet, planted on the ground. Her words brought a bit of guilt. It really wasn't fair to Ginny, was it? He didn't love her like she thought he did. He didn't love her like she loved him. Unless...

"Luna, do you think she loves me?" Harry blurted out.

She smiled at him knowingly. "Her love towards you is there."

Harry paused. "What do you mean by that?"

"Harry, I don't know everything, and I can't tell you everything either. All I can say is that... maybe, you need to reflect on what you two really mean to each other."

Harry sat there, speechless, for a moment.

"Isn't she beautiful? She looks so strong when she's in her element," Luna said dreamily.

Harry looked at her, then at Ginny, then back at her. "Why are you telling me these things, Luna? Not that I don't appreciate your help, just..." He trailed off.

Luna looked him in the eye. "I'm looking out for you, Harry." She paused. "And I'm looking out for her." Luna seemed more serious in that moment than Harry had ever seen her before.

Harry zoned out the rest of the tryouts. He didn't realize they were over until he saw boots on the ground in front of his and looked up to see Ginny, red hair windswept and face relaxed and happy.

"So, Harry. Any thoughts?"

He looked behind her, seeing the last of the players leaving the pitch, looking exhausted yet satisfied. "Oh! It's over, erm-"

"You weren't even paying attention," Ginny said, exasperated.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, er, Luna was here-"

"Luna was here?" Ginny's face lit up, and she looked around as if to find her. Her face fell "Oh. Must have left already. Anyway, Harry... that's alright, I suppose, Luna is lovely to talk to-"

"Ginny?" Harry stood up abruptly. "We can't be together."

Ginny looked at him in shock. "What?"

"We can't be together anymore."

"You're breaking up with me?"

Harry sighed. "Yes. I'm sorry."

She looked at him, face disappointed. "What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing, Ginny, that's not it, I-"

"Why did you even agree to date me again if you were just going to break up with me right away? No- actually, don't answer that. I don't want to know. You're an arsehole, Harry Potter."

Harry grimaced. Ginny had an inscrutable expression on her face, but it didn't look positive. Ginny stood a moment as if waiting for Harry to say something else, but nothing came out. She turned on her heel and stormed off the pitch.

To the empty Quidditch pitch, Harry muttered sarcastically, "Well. That went well."

// I apologize for any possible inconsistencies from past chapters - I did look back and reread before writing this chapter but without the rest of the fic fresh in my mind I may have missed some things, so if you find them, just ignore them, haha. Anyways. Cheers to a single new update, y'all. Love ya. xx James //

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