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Hugh crashed through the door of the dirty room in the basement where Elena was being kept. There, on the cot, he saw her sobbing uncontrollably. Her arms were wrapped tightly around her knees and her face was buried in the crevasse in between. She rocked herself back and forth violently. Small whimpers escaped her mouth and words like 'No' and 'It's a dream' were tangled into incomprehensible dialect.

Hugh moved to go to her and stopped dead in his tracks. His mouth fell open and tears began to well up in his eyes. He could smell him here, smell him all around her. He looked down at Elena, if she was able to see his face the expression on it would have killed her. A mix of shock and horror and sadness ran across his face as he slowly began to piece together the events that caused his love so much pain.

He took her.

The thought sent a wave of sadness through him. He took her and ravished her and fed on her. His love. His one. And no doubt that bastard pretend to be him, at the very least he never showed his true self until it was too late for her to turn back.

He took her.

The realization dug into his thoughts and his entire body began to shake with rage. Blood dripped from the palms of his hands as his nails dug into them with the strength of the undead. His chest rose and fell heavily as his breathing turned into growls of hate and his whole body screamed with anger. 'She was mine' He stewed 'MINE!' With that he turned and flew with a speed and strength only his kind possessed. He flew through the heavy wooden door, smashing it to pieces and barrelling through the outer parts of the wall like a wrecking ball, sending bricks bouncing across the dank hallway.

Hugh ran up the stairs and tore through Dracula's room, spilling furniture with the furiousness of his actions. He ripped off the cover of his bed and smashed through all the doors, searching for him. 'Mina' he thought of how scared she was, how she wanted desperately for him to leave and take Elena away. 'Could she have...' Hugh felt his guts tighten and a burning began in his stomach that seemed to creep up into his mouth until he could no longer contain it. He screeched as his face twisted over in hate and fury, morphing to that of his true undead self.

"MINA!" Hugh flew through the rooms of the house with lightening speed, overturning everything in his path. As he barreled through the last door on the right of the large hall, he found Mina, sitting on the edge of a large bed, hands clasped on her lap.

She knew he was coming for her.

"HOW COULD YOU!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!!HOW COULD YOU GIVE HER TO HIM! I TRUSTED YOU!" Hughs chest rose and fell like bubbling lava and his voice more resembled that of growling wolves rather then anything human. He marched over to her and raised his hand, bringing it down hard on her face it sent Mina flying across the room. She landed on her side and wept out in pain. He rushed her, picking her up he wrapped his large hands around her neck as he lifted her off the floor, shaking her violently as he screamed into her face. Mina grasped at his hands, scratching them but it made no difference. She had never seen Hugh like this. He oozed hate for her, she could smell it on his breath.

"You will pay for what you did" He whispered into her face, his voice cold and deadly. He threw her across the room and she bounced on the bed with a thud and a crack of her spine, she whined in pain at the throbbing. Hugh jumped on her and straddled her waist, moving his hands to form a white mist that held her arms above her head. Mina looked at him in horror, tears running down her face. Hugh looked at her with contempt and let out a terrifying, howling laughter that echoed through the room.

"Do you think for one minute that I care how you feel? I want you to feel what Elena felt, I want you to feel the horror..." He ripped her dress open, exposing her chest and sank his fangs into her shoulder muscle, ripping the tissue in doing so. She screamed in pain. He drank cruelly from her until he felt her body become still, her struggling cease. The tare in her flesh was substantial, the flap of skin hung down form her shoulder to the top of her breast. Hugh looked at her eyes as he wiped his mouth. Mina's pupils had turned from black to a hazy grey, and her irises, once a dazzling hazel, were now a dead white.

He slid off the bed and stood looking over her stillness. Reaching for the chair tucked neatly into the nook of the desk, Hugh broke off the left leg, dropping the rest to the floor. He grabbed a large metal paper weight off the desk, and, using it as a hammer of sorts, rammed the chair leg through Mina's chest where her heart lay under her bone. Her one final breath came out as a ghost and vanished into the musty air.

"The war has begun" Hugh gritted out between his teeth and dropped the paper weight to the stone floor. His thoughts quickly returned to Elena and his heart swelled in his chest.

"My darling love, I am coming..." He vanished like a wrath in the night, heading toward Elena. He would have no choice but to turn her now. He had given him no choice. But his revenge was so sweet, the pain Dracula will feel...Hugh reveled in the thought of it. His reign had been far too long. A war was elevatable - and needed.

Out from behind a crack in a small door at the base of a bookshelf, a set of green, hazel eyes peered out in utter disbelief at what he had just been an audience too. For the first time he could remember in a long time, Rocco felt terrified. He remained frozen in the closet for hours after. No one would believe this.

Dracula froze as the vision came to him hundreds of kilometers away. His mouth fell open and tears of despair rolled down his cold cheeks "Mina..." He said in a quiet voice. His hands balled into fists and he let out a bellowing scream that ripped through the cold night, sending all his creatures running in terror.

Hugh sat at the edge of the bed and caressed Elena's pale face. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed into it. "I'm so sorry" she chocked out over and over. Tears ran down his cheeks as he touched her silky hair. He didn't want to do this; he didn't want this for her. To die is as natural as life itself, how he wished he was able too - to die, to cease his painful existence once and for all. He looked down lovingly at her. She was so beautiful; he had waited an eternity for her.

He grinded his teeth at the thought of him touching her, putting his hands on her body all the while tricking her into thinking he was him. The thought revolted him almost to the point of vomiting.

Gently, he scooped her shaky body off the cot into his arms. Hugh placed tender kisses all over her wet face. Elena wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head in his there. She inhaled his scent with a deep breath and relaxed. She felt safe with him.

He carried her through the hallway and up the stairs to the front foyer and out the door into the crisp night. Hugh looked at the tiny amount of blood on her neck left from a bite and felt hunger and disgust all at the same time. He licked it off and closed his eyes at her taste, she tasted delicious, and if he was being honest, she looked the same as well.

Vampires' insatiable appetite ranged in varying degrees. But the strongest were food and sex. It was part of the curse Hugh had to fight constantly to allow true emotions to rule him rather then just the lust for blood and warm, wet places that gave him incredible pleasures.

He studied Elena while he quickly tried to decide where to bring her. If he was going to turn her, he would be damned if it was in that place. It would be a beautiful place, with soft bedding you could just sink in to, and the sounds of nature around them, not sirens and police cars. A smile moved across his face as he thought of the perfect spot. A sadness creped in his chest at what he must do. 'At least it will be a beautiful place, where she can rest through the pain, and I will be there' he thought with a heavy heart. He placed a kiss on her temple as he whisked them away into the night.

"I will always be there for you, my love."

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