The Book

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                                                                  (Hugh fights to save Elena's life)

"Mina!" Hugh rammed his shoulder into the heavy mahogany door sending it crashing open into the wall behind it. He struggled to carry Elena up the stoop, both soaking wet from the storm outside. Her rain drenched face dripping the remainder of dried blood on to the floor.

"Mina please!"

Mina ran down the two-way split staircase toward the foyer, tripping on her long skirt in the process and cursing under her breath at her own clumsiness. When she reached the landing, Mina looked up to call out to Hugh, but her voice vanished in thin air when she saw what he was carrying. She stood, stunned and confused. He was practically dragging a human girl into Dracula's house – her house. Both were covered in mud and blood and water and she was both completely taken back, and angry all at the same time by the sight. 'What was he thinking bringing her here of all places' she thought. 'He'll eat her for breakfast – if she's still alive.'

"Mina! Come quickly!" Hugh faltered, practically throwing the poor girl on the chair by the table. Mina quickened her pace to meet him in the foyer.

"Hugh what are you doing?" Mina whispered angerly "Why did you bring her here? You know he'll smell her long before you ever have the chance to take her away now – you've sealed her fate!" She looked at the girl, grabbing her wrist trying to locate the pulse point. Feeling the weak thump against the pads of her index and middle fingers, she sighed and nodded her head toward the door.

"She is alive but barely. Leave before her scent begins to linger, while you still have time. Her pulse is weak, he'll not pick up on it when he returns." She looked at Hugh sternly "And by that, I mean this moment, which does not count for ten minutes from now – now go! Take her to a hospital where she belongs" Mina stood and grabbed Elena's arm trying to yank her up and move her toward the door. Hugh pulled her hand off Elena's arm, his sad eyes meeting Mina's in a gaze she felt too guilty to hold.

"Are you so cruel that the sight of this beaten girl does nothing to appeal to your feelings? I came here because I thought you of all people would help me - her...why won't you..." He was cut short by a harsh snap.

"Because if there is life in that body, he will take it from her. I don't understand how you could be so foolish you want to turn her, or save her? You can do both on your own without my help, why are you here!" Her angry whispered threatened to turn into a shout "This is absurd, now get her out of here before he returns and take her to a hospital where she..."

"I want the book."

Hugh glared at Mina, his eyes never leaving her face. Mina sucked in a deep breath and laid her hands in her lap as she knelt by the girl's side. Her eyes purposely avoiding Hugh's face.

"I don't know... I can't..."

"The book Mina. Where is it?"

"Hugh I can not just simply give you the book like it was..."


"Take her to the hospital Hugh, for the love of God get out of here!" Mina stood, flustered and scared, trying to leave what she knew to be a hopeless situation that could only be made worse by her giving into Hugh's request. She turned quickly toward the study, but Hugh grabbed her arm, turning her back toward him. She winced in pain before having to drop to her knees involuntarily by Hugh's strong pull. His eyes dug into hers and he spoke with a low monstrous voice that sent chills up Mina's spine. His entire face had morphed into what could only be describe as horrifying and primitive, the face of his true self before a kill. She was terrified.

"She has lost too much blood to be saved by them, the zombies. They can do nothing for her. I do not wish this," Hugh made a swooping reference to his own body before continuing "eternal hell on anyone. I will not turn her, she deserves better...she deserves...better then this." He looked up at Mina with teary eyes, his face returning to his human state. He sighed before speaking.

"The book speaks of a way to return life to humans without turning them."

"But are you not going to turn her? Is she not your one? She will age and die as you live eternal. Don't you want your one for all time? Sasha has found her one, you must have sensed that" Hugh had indeed sensed it. "Are you are choosing to be alone again willingly?

Before Hugh could speak, Elena began to convulse, and her skin changed to a deep grey.

"We are out of time Mina. Take me to the book now. If I lose her, you will lose your life, I promise you that!"

Mina relented, raising to her feet and helping Hugh with Elena's limp body. She then directed him to follow her down the winding iron staircase to the basement.

There was a small room off to the side of the staircase that was secured with a large padlock. Mina fumbled with the many keys on the loop before lifting a slender skeleton key from the mess in her hands. Hugh looked at the lock and the key, then opened his mouth to yell at her and she spoke over him to keep Hugh from speaking again and irritating her further.

"Just wait and be quiet!" She whispered angerly.

"Mina hurry, she is fading – we have no more time to spare!" Hugh couldn't hide the panic in his voice.

He couldn't lose her now, not after waiting so long to find her – more then several lifetimes in mortal years. He had searched everywhere, but she had evaded him every time. When he finally was able to manipulate her dreams, she began taking medication to subdue them, and wouldn't remember his face. He could not reach for her if she couldn't see him. She had to see him there, look at him for Hugh to receive her location. The pills didn't allow him to keep his human face in her dreams; all she saw was his true face – the face of a killer. It terrified her, so much in fact that she began taking more of the medication until he couldn't see her at all, for years he lost her.

"I will not lose you again my love" He spoke softly in her bloodied ear "I will kill the man responsible for this, I promise you. When I get my hands on him, he will beg me for death" He stroked Elena's hair and kissed the side of her injured face, licking the dried blood off and relishing the taste.

"You are mine my love...forever."

Mina rushed into the room, book in hand, pushing the contents of the table off with one fast swoop of her arm. Her hand sharply came down on the surface, motioning Hugh to lay Elena there.

"Hurry Hugh, please" Mina watched as he opened the book and scrolled to the exact page. She twitched and looked over her shoulder nervously, hoping this would just end soon so she could put the book back and forget she ever saw them.

Dracula would be returning soon from the hunt. If he knew anything of this, death would be a sweeter end to face then his wrath.

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