"N-No, please don't lower your head, My Lord! It's improper!" Prince Uchiha straightened his posture, his brow slightly furrowed as he spoke, "In our situation, I fear formalities and expectations would be a luxury."

'...He seems so sad....'

She very much disliked such a negative emotion on someone who seemed so pure, so she attempted to flatter him, "Above all else, you are a prince of the royal Uchiha family and should be shown only the highest value of respect. It pains me to sense the consideration of your unworthiness."

The man seemed mildly stunned but quickly overcame it. He gestured toward the window, asking in what almost seemed an unsure manner, "You were looking outside. Are you partial to winter weather?"

'I think he's trying to determine if I find the living conditions bearable.'

Sakura lied, closing her book and holding it to her stomach while glancing out at the snow once more, "It seems so peaceful at this estate. I've never experienced such an elegant environment."


He didn't speak, so the woman looked his way again, only to see him staring at her with an unfamiliar expression. "My Lord?"

He shook his head and changed the subject, gesturing at the book in her hands, "You seem to enjoy literature."

A warmth met Sakura's cheeks. She bashfully brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and lowered her gaze, admitting quietly, "I've found comfort in books since I was a child. My youngest sister and I share this trait."

"Yes...regarding your sister. Would you mind joining me for tea? There's an important matter to discuss," The prince suddenly felt more awkward than before, which made Sakura uncomfortable, but she had no choice but to agree. The pair walked in silence to one of the tea rooms.

Once they were served and alone, the Uchiha cleared his throat, "I understand this topic may be sensitive as I don't have much information to base my questions from." He unblinkingly met Sakura's gaze, his guarded emotions becoming more so, "May I speak bluntly, My Lady?"

She bowed her head, "Of course."

"Everyone in this manor, myself included, believed you to be Lady Haruka Haruno, eldest daughter of The Baron."

'I shouldn't be surprised. Almost no one outside of my home knows of my existence,' Sakura took a sip of her tea to give herself time to come up with a response, 'I wish Father would've at least sent a letter of explanation. Would he wish for me to lie? If I make my family appear negatively in the prince's eyes, it'd be doing them a disservice.'

"I see. If I'd known, I would've properly introduced myself sooner. Please accept my apologies." The Haruno woman steeled her nerves and plastered on a calm expression, a skill she'd had much time to perfect, "My name is Sakura Haruno, eldest daughter of Baron Haruno. I am twenty-two years of age."

She lowered her eyes and voice to answer the question she knew was coming, "I was never properly debuted into society due to my shortcomings. I beg of you not to blame my father. I'm sure his intention was not to deceive you."

The prince's eyes studied her in a way that made her feel as though he wasn't missing a single detail. His tone was straight, "What are these shortcomings you've mentioned?"

'Oh, no. I didn't expect him to ask that. ...What do I say?' When Sakura thought back on all the reasons she'd been given for her treatment over the years, she had enough sense not to reiterate them to a member of the royal family. 'He'll surely send me home in an instant if I answer honestly.'

"I-I hope you don't mind my hesitance to respond. You see, I've been awaiting a chance to speak with you about our betrothal. I fear if I focus on the negative aspects I have to offer, you'll be discouraged and reject me once more, My Lord."

Prince Uchiha sipped his tea with a face that said he understood that she wanted to avoid the topic. He cleared his throat while setting the glass down again, "The Curse did tell you I may reconsider since he's given his blessing."

"...Was he mistaken?"

The room became silent for a very long time while the duo stared at one another. Eventually, Sasuke spoke, but he didn't answer her question, "How much do you know about my condition?"

"O-Oh, well, I know that Akuma takes control of your body at night-" "Respectfully, do not refer to The Curse as though he's a human while in my presence, My Lady."

Sakura swallowed nervously but agreed, "Right, my apologies. As I was saying, I'm aware The Curse has control of your mind and body at night. I suspect he at least is aware of some things that occur during the day when he isn't in control. Other than that...."

"I see," Sasuke sipped his tea again before explaining, "I was given this burden at the age of twelve by a wizard who held a grudge against the royal family. Before his death, he stated there is a way to rid my body of this sickness."


"Yes. In his words, I will only be rid of The Curse once I lose someone I hold incredibly dear."

"If that's the case, have your previous fiance's died because-" "Only two have perished, neither on purpose."

Her mouth clamped shut in shock, but she quickly swallowed and asked, "You've been unsuccessful in finding someone you hold dear?"

"That is not accidental, My Lady."

'...What is he saying?' "You've purposefully distanced yourself, then?"


'I don't understand. If he needs to find someone to hold dear and lose them in order to save himself from this torment, why hasn't he-!' Sakura's eyes widened, filling to the brim with tears. The prince's gaze dropped, an aura of shame filling the room. "You...You've done this to protect those around you."

'Prince Uchiha and Akuma are two very different people. This man before me is willing to suffer for his entire life if it means that no one will be knowingly sacrificed for the sake of the wizard that cursed him's prophecy. Akuma only cares about serving himself; he said that on his own.'

Sakura took a strengthening breath before forcing herself to be brave, "My Lord, let's proceed with the marriage."

"You understand what you're saying, Lady Haruno?" He seemed bewildered like she'd developed a second head.

"I do, and I'm humbled by your concern, but you must understand that I've been raised and sent here to die." Sakura's throat tightened as she tried not to cry. Her voice shook, but she managed to remain mostly composed, "Until now, I saw my death as a means to an end. Knowing that a pure soul such as yours may be saved in the process gives me purpose I've never experienced."

"You barely know me, Lady Haruno! How can you lay your life down for mine?" A sad smile met Sakura's lips.

She explained, "My mother was a traveling dancer. I don't have many memories of her because she died when I was very young, but I remember her telling me never to live my life as a prisoner." Green eyes lifted to meet black ones brimmed with tears, "I have been discouraged for far too long. I was content to accept my father's order to die by your hand simply so my sisters would be spared. I've been disheartened and nonsensical."

"But now I've met you and The Curse, and it's like my eyes have been opened for the first time," she offered a reassuring smile, "Dying for the sake of someone as kindhearted as you will act as the key to unlocking my shackles. Preventing The Curse from causing destruction to you or others will free me of my burdens, Lord Uchiha. Please allow me to do this."

'As much as I believe Akuma will protect me, his amusement is surely limited. I'll be tossed aside once he's had his fun. Even before that happens, who knows how many he'll slay as carelessly as he did Butler Yamamoto? To stop that from happening, I can die happily.'

"You are like no other woman I've met, Lady Haruno," the prince breathed out. She sipped her tea with an air of acceptance. "If you're absolutely sure, I'll proceed with this union."

"I'm sure."

He tilted his head with a grimace, "I'll begin preparations, then. If you should have a change of heart before our wedding, I swear not to bear a grudge."

'That won't happen, Lord Uchiha. I've lived a far too tumultuous life. In fact, you'll be doing me a favor by allowing me to be your sacrifice.' 

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