Chapter 18: A new dawn is breaking

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Katsuki received a new text from All Might to meet at the beach again during the weekend. Shin- Hitoshi had offered to accompany him if he wanted, even if he didn't know the full story. Katsuki was still debating whether or not to tell him everything.

He showed up at Takoba Beach to find All Might waiting for him again, "Bakugou-shounen."

"Get to the point," Katsuki grumbled, "It must be a lot if you couldn't just text me."

"Not here," All Might started walking away, "Do your parents know you're out?"

"They're not home until past midnight."

"We'll be going to Nighteye's agency," Katsuki's eyes widened, "I don't exactly have a proper agency after the two of us broke up. But he's agreed to have us over. He's also curious about your usage of One for All."

After about an hour, they drove up to Nighteye's agency. It looked like a normal office building from the outside, but Katsuki knew better than to judge a book by its cover. He followed All Might in. The place was pretty much empty. Not a single soul was there. Did Nighteye run the place by himself?

"All Might!" Katsuki guessed not. A woman with blue skin and hair came up to them, smiling widely under her visor, "Sir Nighteye was expecting you. He's waiting in his office."

"Thank you, Bubble Girl." As they went up the stairs, All Might said, "Heads up, it might get awkward."

"What? Wasn't he your sidekick?"

"We may have... argued in the past," All Might's face fell, "And he wasn't quite happy about you being chosen as my successor, so he might not be too nice to you."

"Har? Then why are we here?"

"You'll see."

He opened the door. The first thing Katsuki noticed was the All Might posters all over the wall, millions of All Might-related books arranged neatly on bookshelves, a couple of figurines here and there... Besides the main desk, it was basically an All Might shrine like... Izuku's bedroom. Katsuki clenched his fists. Not now...

"Mirai," All Might greeted.

"Toshinori," Nighteye was seated at his desk, a stack of papers sprawled around. His yellow eyes landed on Katsuki, "So... you're Bakugou."

Katsuki gulped. Nighteye's gaze was... intense. Katsuki pushed the feeling down, "Yup," popping the p, he pointed at himself with his thumb, "That's me. Got a problem?"

Nighteye's frown deepened, "Couldn't have picked someone with better manners?"

"Bakugou-shounen is trying his best," All Might argued.

"Togata would have been better." Katsuki's eyes twitched. Who the fuck was that?

All Might sighed, "We've been over this."

Nighteye leaned in, pushing one of the papers forward, "Banjo Daigoro, hero name: Lariat. His quirk was Blackwhip," All Might picked up the paper, "It looks eerily similar to whatever Bakugou used against All for One."

Katsuki froze, "Wait, you think All for One gave me this quirk?!"

"That would be highly likely," Nighteye said.

"Mirai!" All Might berated, quickly assuring him, "We don't think that's the case. Banjo was the fifth user of One for All."

Katsuki took a few moments to process that information, "So..."

"We think you have access to the previous users' quirks."

"Which is what these papers are," Nighteye held them out to Katsuki, "We couldn't find anything on the second and third users, but everyone else's quirk is listed down."

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