Chapter 16: I'm higher than the hopes that you brought down

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If Hitoshi wasn't tapping his feet on the floor, he was pacing outside the operation room anxiously. Though really, how could he not be anxious? They weren't even sure his boyfriend would live!

That's how Hizashi found him. "Still no news on the little listener?" His Pops asked. He was holding a jelly pouch and some canned coffee, which he offered to Hitoshi. "You'll need the energy." Hitoshi didn't hesitate before popping the can open, gulping down the liquid like it was his lifeline. "Geez, kid, slow down!"

In a few seconds, the drink was finished. Hitoshi let out a long sigh, clutching tightly onto the can, "I just..." Hitoshi broke, no longer able to hold back the tears, "I... I saw him... when he was impaled and I just-" he held his breath, struggling to find the words to describe it, "I was so scared. I was terrified ."

"...I know how that feels," Hizashi told him, "Every time I find Shota in that room..." he glanced absentmindedly towards the operation room, "...I always fear that the last time I saw him would be the last..."

Hitoshi squeezed the can tighter. Denki would be alright.

He had to be.


Hawks had watched over Katsuki for the time being. Katsuki thought the hero would just drop him off somewhere and help the other top heroes defeat All for One, but Hawks must've taken him very seriously. After all, All Might had asked to take specifically him as far away as possible.

Once everything was over, Katsuki received a call from Shinsou. He picked it up, prepared to apologise for leaving his friends on the battlefield, only to hear another voice from the other end, 'You have got some explaining to do.'

"Sensei?" Right. He was Shinsou's dad. It shouldn't surprise him.

'Where are you?'

"Somewhere. I don't even know if I'm still in Yokohama."

'Are you alone?'

"Hawks is with me."

Judging from the short pause, Aizawa was taken aback, 'Give him the phone.'

Katsuki handed the device over. Hawks and Aizawa talked for a while, eventually hanging up. The winged hero flashed Katsuki a smile, "Well, we gotta bounce! Ready for another flight?"


The moment Hawks had dropped Katsuki at the hospital, he felt Aizawa's furious glare. Hawks waved farewell before leaving him with his teacher.

Aizawa crossed his arms, "Well?"

"Brain Freak hasn't filled you in yet?"

"Hitoshi hasn't spoken since Kaminari got sent into the surgery room, and Ida explained that you guys had split into two groups."

Katsuki looked up, shocked, "What happened to Kaminari?"

Aizawa sighed, "Impaled in the stomach. We're still not sure he'll live," Katsuki's blood ran cold. When had that happened? Was it after I left them behind? "What happened on your end?"

"...we followed the tracker Shinsou put on you," Katsuki started, "We went in from the side of the warehouse and found Izuku..." he swallowed. Aizawa must've noticed something was off but stayed silent. Katsuki sucked in a breath, "Kurogiri warped the two of us away and..."

Izuku killed himself.


To protect me. The one who's done nothing but make his life hell.

Who have you become in the weight of all that's happened here?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon