Chapter 10: And I know that it ain't right

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Katsuki, Icyhot, and Brain Freak had minor injuries that healed overnight. Glasses' were worse, but he could sit up on his hospital bed.

Still no news of Izuku. It was driving Katsuki crazy.

"It's my fault..." Glasses muttered, "If I hadn't-"

"The Nomu was the one that injured him the most," Icyhot told him.

"But if he hadn't been there in the first place-" Glasses started.

"Then you would most likely be dead," Katsuki cut in, "Stop whining and be fucking grateful he risked his life for you." Glasses looked like he wanted to add something, but stopped himself. Katsuki buried his face in his hands. Fuck. What if Izuku didn't turn out alright-

The door opened. Aizawa walked in. Everyone held their breath as they waited. Their teacher informed them, "He's alright. Thankfully, the claws hadn't damaged any of his organs. He'll be moved into this room after he wakes up, which is soon."

Glasses cried tears of joy. Brain Freak let out a sigh of relief. Icyhot's tense form instantly relaxed.

And Katsuki? He felt like the entire world had been lifted from his shoulders.


Izuku's torso was all wrapped in bandages. Despite looking like absolute shit, he still had his signature bright smile on his face, "Hey."

If Katsuki wasn't afraid of injuring him further, he would've thrown him into a wall. "HEY?! Is that all you have to fucking say for yourself after almost dying in my arms?!"

"Eeek! Sorry, Kacchan!"

"Sorry, my ass!"

"Please refrain from fighting each other!" Glasses did a chopping motion with his arms, "The two of you are still wounded!"

"It's just how they normally are," Brain Freak waved him off, "Let them have their moment."

Icyhot held a hand up to his chin, doing a thinking pose as he studied them. "Is this what Izuku calls socialising?"

Katsuki snarled, pulling Izuku into a hug, making sure he wasn't squeezing the nerd too tightly, "I'm so fucking glad you're alright."

Izuku returned it, "Thanks for saving me."

"You saved yourself, dipshit."

The door swung open again. In came Aizawa and an officer with a dog mutant quirk. "Before you celebrate, we need to talk. This is Chief Tsuragamae Kenji. He's in charge of the Hosu police force."

"As you all should know, using your quirks without a licence is illegal," the chief stated, "Luckily for you, Ida, there were barely any witnesses, so we were able to cover up your... vigilantism."

Glasses looked down, ashamed, "Thank you. I promise not to lose myself again."

"Same with you two, Bakugou and Todoroki," the chief said. He fixed his gaze on Icyhot, "Just because your father is the number two hero doesn't mean you can run off and play hero."

Katsuki began to protest, "But if I hadn't-"

"The law's the law," the chief cut him off.

"If Ingenium hadn't interfered, Native would've been dead," Todoroki argued.

"The law is needed to keep everything in order. If it didn't exist, who knows how chaotic society would be?

Alas, the Hero Killer's arrest has raised many questions, mostly regarding which hero did it. We'd give the credit to Eraserhead since he was the one who detained Stain but..."

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