chapter 21 - the day after

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Maeve's POV

Today was Thursday but school due to some reason which honestly, I couldn't even remember.

I still couldn't wrap my head around what the hell happened last night.


I felt like jumping up and down on my bed but my dad was home and he'd probably think I was having a seizure.

Anyways, I called and told Alicia and Rose to come over so I could give them the great news.

After a while

'Heyyy Maeve.' said Rose as she sat down on my bed
'This better be important. I'm so worked up right now.' said Alicia as she also came and sat down on my bed
'Okay so you know Andrew offered to drop me off yesterday which I thought was totally out of character for him?' I said, getting excited
'Yes..' they both said in unison
'So we had to stop for gas and I was kinda annoying him and kept mentioning Jade and stuff.' I said as they both listened carefully
'So he kissed me!' I said super loudly
'WHAT?' they both said together
'YES.' I said unable to contain my happiness
'Oh. My. God. Tell us everything about how it happened.' said Alicia

So I sat there and told them every thing not missing a single detail.

'Oh that is so adorable.' said Rose as I just kept smiling like a total idiot
'It's totally like a movie kiss awww.' said Alicia
'Ugh I know right, it was the best kiss I've ever had.' I said looking down and smiling at my feet
'What are you gonna do about Evan?' asked Rose

Evan. I totally forgot all about Evan.

'Probably I'll tell him that it isn't working out between us, you know.' I replied
'Well you better do it quick.' Alicia said
'Yeah I will.' I said

I just could not stop thinking about last night. It was just so perfect.

After a while they left and I went downstairs.

'Hey honey.' said my dad
'Oh hey dad.' I replied
'When'd you get home last night?'
'About 9pm.'

Andrews POV

I still could not believe I had kissed Maeve freaking Crawford.

If you had told me I would kiss Maeve Crawford like that a year ago, I would have laughed in your face.

But here we are.

'Honey, is something wrong with the food?' asked my mom from across the table
'Huh? Oh no it's fine.' I replied
'Well you seem a little bothered. Why's that?' she asked
'Its nothing.' I said
'Come on. You're never like this at the table. What's going on?' asked my dad
'It's-' I hesitated
'Go on.' said my dad
'It sounds stupid but it's just a girl.' I replied
'Oh, you're thinking about a girl. Well that's a first.' said my mom
'Well what's her name?' asked my dad

Why were they asking so many questions about this?

'Oh, is it the short girl with the long hair?' asked my mom
'Well do you like her?' asked my dad
'Look guys, thanks but I really don't wanna talk about this right now.' I said
'Okay, that's alright.' said my mom and we went back to silently eating although I could feel them staring at me.

'I'm leaving.' I said as I got up after I finished eating
'Okay, be safe.' said my mom
'Will do.' I said

I didn't even know where I was gonna go, I just wanted to be out of the house because my mind was filled with different thoughts.

I walked to a park where there were a few swings so I just went and sat on one of them.

After a while, I saw Aaron walking towards me.

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